Chapter 7:

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I took another drag off my cigarette and watched the sunset. It was beautiful with the pinks and oranges but snow was slowly starting to fall and I shivered inside my jacket. But I refused to go back inside while that slut was here. And I haven't came inside since that incident, and randy hasn't tried to find me.

When I finished my cigarette I flicked it off the balcony and relaxed in the chair, stretching my legs out and staring up at the snow as it fell around me, kissing the skin of my face and I closed my eyes. The cold was peaceful and I wished I could just stay here.

"Come inside." Randy said from the doorway and stood there with his huge arms crossed over his chest, which just made his arms seem bigger. But I just pulled out another cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag and holding the smoke in before blowing it out my nose.

"No thanks. I'm content." I said and kept staring at the falling snow. My black outfit looked as if it had white polka dots now.

"You shouldn't be smoking. Not while pregnant. You could hurt the baby." He said and came closer, sitting on the chair that was next to mine.

"What do you care? You have little ms hoe bag in your bed." I said and closed my eyes and took another drag of my cigarette. My heart ached to have randy hold me but I couldn't trust him.

"I need you, Kylie. And that's a lot for a gang leader to say. She doesn't mean anything to me. We were set to get married before you came along." He said and I heard his sigh. "Look, can we just talk like adults?"

"We are talking. Go back to your fiancée. She wants you obviously." I said and sighed, breathing out smoke and opening my eyes to stare at the darkening sky line. The buildings shone in the light and I wondered what it would feel like to throw myself off the balcony and fly.

"I said I don't want her. I want you." Randy said and grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. Anguish was evident in his eyes and I wanted so badly to kiss the frown off his face. "Please, I made her leave. You're my life now. You and our baby."

"It's not a baby. It's a mistake." I whispered and felt tears sting my eyes.

"Lies. You want this baby as much as I do." He said and I closed me eyes and shook my head. "Stop lying, Kylie. We both know what we did wasn't a mistake."

"Yes it was! You raped me, randy! I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for you to save my fucking life. Why didn't you just call 911 and let them take me?! Why did you have to come play prince fucking charming and bring me to your castle?! I didn't ask for any of this!" I yelled and shoved him away, bringing myself closer to the railing. Thunder rolled in the distance and a lightning flash lit up the sky, while snow kept falling. The wind whipped my hair around and I was pleased with how cold my body was getting. "I was happy with how my life was going! I loved my job and my mom was by my side whenever I needed her! And you took me away from all of that! What gives you that fucking right?!"

He got in my face and if I wasn't so pissed off and hurt I might have actually been afraid of him but I wasn't. His eyes were dark wit rage and his hands gripped my arms almost painfully, and I knew I would be bruised.

"You still reek of your fiancée." I spat in his face and managed to free my arms and shove him away, but he grabbed me harder and pushed me so I was against the railing, so that I was bent forward and saw the ground.

"I am fed up with your fucking attitude, Kylie. I am about to fucking kill you. Regardless of our child. Maybe then I could actually relax in my own fucking home. No one disrespects me, especially not the daughter of a fucking prostitute. Where's your precious daddy, Kylie?" Randy snarled in my ear and I sighed and gave up fighting. My body was going numb. "Now you're not going to talk to me?"

"I'm sorry." Was all I whispered before he shoved my pants down and spread my legs. "Please don't, randy. I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry won't cut it right now, Kylie." Randy said as he used one hand to undo his pants and shove them down and he quickly shoved his cock into my pussy from behind. I softly moaned and felt tears running from my eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing, randy?" Came that sluts voice from behind us. But randy ignored her and kept pounding into me, grunting in pleasure and bit and sucked on my neck, marking me. I was now his. Tears fell freely and randy moved his hips a little. "I'm your fiancée randy! Stop fucking that whore!"

"Go inside, Monica. I'll deal with you later!" Randy snarled and kept fucking me, eventually making me scream and cum. "That's right baby, scream my name."

I screamed his name and came again as he came inside of me and slowly moved away to put his pants back on but then he came back to me and pulled my pants up before pulling me into his arms and cradling me to his chest. He lifted me up and carried me inside.

"Stay on the couch okay, Kylie? I need to go talk to my ex fiancée." Randy said but the words didn't really register until I heard yelling then a very angry, clothes slut storm out of the apartment and down to whatever floor she was going to.

I laid there shivering on the couch and closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep, but randy came back and gently shook me while saying my name to get me to stay awake.

"Come on, baby. Wake up. You're skin is ice cold so I need to warm you up before you can sleep." Randy said as he lifted me up and carried me to his room and set me down on his bed while he disappeared into the bathroom and I heard water running. When he came back in he quickly stripped off his clothes and undressed me before carrying me back into the bathroom and getting into the jacuzzi sized bath tub and holding me against his chest in the hot water.

The water tingled against my cold skin and I snuggled closer to randy, who was gently rubbing warm water on other parts of my body where the the water wasn't covering.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't want the baby." I managed to whisper and saw the pain in his eyes.

"I'm sorry but you can't abort it." He said and his voice was instantly hard and cold again. But he still held me firmly. "I need you both."

"I can't be the lover of a gang leader." I whispered and felt more tears fall, that seems to be all I do anymore. Cry.

"That's because you're not." He said and my heart sunk further and I closed my eyes. "You're going to be my wife."

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