Chapter 22:

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They all stared at me and I couldnt help but sigh and explain everything i saw, from being in the meadow, till I woke up screaming after drake left me. But no one thought I was crazy.

"You were in limbo. You were ready to die, but drake found you and made sure you didn't. He made you come back. But why?" Keith asked as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because I heard you whisper that you loved me then kissed my cheek. He said you needed me and that he would be here with me always. Him and my daughter." I said and stared at the blanket.

Keith just stared at me and I didn't look up, but I did see tear drops landing on the blanket then a searing pain in my side when I jerked my head up to look at Keith, who had tears rolling down his cheeks.

I screamed in pain and clutched my side, then watched as my hands came away red with blood and my dad ran from the room, screaming for a nurse. Keith came to my side and carefully helped me lay down, but he didn't move away this time.

"It's okay baby. Just breathe. I've been shot before, I know the pain." Keith whispered and kissed my forehead as he linked our hands together and just stared into my eyes as the. It's ran in followed by my father. Michael had disappeared.

"I'm going to restitch your wound okay, deary?" She asked and I nodded my head as she tugged up my hospital gown and pulled off the bandages to the now bleeding bullet hole on my hip. This was my first time looking at it, and honestly I'm surprised I didn't die from you. "This will hurt."

I clenched my eyes shut and held onto Keith's hand as tight as I could when she added more stitches and I let out soft little screams every little while, as tears slipped from my eyes. Keith whispered little things into my ear and it helped me stay focused on him instead of the pain.

"All done, Kylie. Now take it easy. No moving too much." The nurse said and turned and left. Leaving me and Keith with my father and brother.

"I want to go home." I said and stared at my dad. "Can't you make them let me go?"

"I'm sorry sweetie. I can but you need to rest. And there isn't much you can do here so this is the best place." My dad gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair, making me pout.

Keith chuckled and I turned and glared at him, but he saw my wince of pain and moved me to lay down again. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.

"This is gonna suck." I said.

Three weeks later:

They wouldn't let me leave until my stitches were removed because they kept getting torn by me trying to beat the shit out of Michael for knocking up Jolene. I sat on my bed and stared down at the scar forming on my hip. It was dark pink and ugly and I wanted it to go away, but the doctors said because the stitches kept tearing that it wouldn't ever go away.

I sighed and laid down on the bed, closing my eyes and throwing an arm over my eyes. At least I could train again. That was one big plus, is that the doctors gave me the okay to train.

Christmas was coming up and it broke my heart. I couldn't stand to be around all the happy people when the one I wanted most was dead with my daughter. Sure, I love Keith, but it still hurts when I wake up and see him in my bed instead of drake.

I got up with a groan of pain and went to the bathroom. Might as well take a shower and go to the gym. If I couldn't sleep this late at night, might as well train. Who knows if there's going to be another ambush.

I ran the water hot and washed and shaved what needed it before wrapping myself in a towel and walked back to my room. Then I walked into my closet and pulled on my panties with a pair of black yoga conceal carry shorts and a black sports bra under a black wife beater and grabbed my gun from next to my bed.

It only took me a minute to pull on my socks and shoes and then I was on my way out of the room, trying to be relatively quiet and got down to the gym in the basement and pulled out some camo wrap and wrapped my knuckles before going to the punching bag and giving it a good punch.

I landed punch after punch and soon felt a little winded but I didn't stop until the pain in my side made me double over and groan. But as soon as the pain was gone I got back to my feet and kept punching, feeling the burn in my arms.

"You shouldn't be doing this." Came a voice from behind me and I saw James, Randy's second in command. He grinned at me and looked me up and down. "But damn. You're better looking than you were when we found you. I mean, you were fine then, but now you're just amazing."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at James. "The fuck are you doing here? If anyone from my dads Gang finds you here, they won't hesitate to shoot you on sight, in fact, you're lucky I don't."

"You wouldn't shoot me. You don't have the balls." He said and closed his eyes for just a second. But in that second I had my gun out and shot him in the knee cap. He went down with a scream and soon people were filing into the gym with weapons drawn and Keith was at my side, with Michael on my other side.

"Who the fuck is that?" Keith asked as he looked between me and James, who was rolling on the floor cradling his knee, crying in pain.

"James. He was Randy's second in command." I spat and clicked the safety on my gun before putting it back into my shorts. Keith watched my movements and smiled with a lick of his lips. Oh boy did I want him.

"I am leader, you slut!" James yelled and I just laughed.

"With what balls?" I asked as I walked up and placed one swift kick, making him sing a high note then laughed. "Take him away." I said with a flick of my hand.

I walked away, knowing Keith was hot on me heels and as soon as I got to my bedroom Keith shut the door and pushed me against it and pressed his body against every inch of mine.

"God. That was sexy." Keith said and kissed my throat, then kissed his way up to my lips and kissed me passionately. Tonight was the night I gave myself up to him.

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