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hi i hate to be that person but yes a song is attached. it's not one of those things that's like "mmm you must listen to it to fully experience the chapter." it's just a cool song that reminds me of Tommy's character. that is all. listen to it if you want.

anyways ummm yeah enjoy :) sorry this took so long


"Hey Dream?" Tommy asks, watching Dream pace around the room. He looks up at Tommy and stops.


"Why do you wear the mask?"

Dream glares silently at Tommy, staring him down through the mask. It hides his emotions, and he keeps his voice calm to maintain Tommy's trust. "Why do you ask?"

Tommy looks down in embarrassment. "I don't know, I just can't imagine you without it, which is weird considering it's pointless with just us."

"What makes you think that?" Dream replies, growing only more impatient whilst maintaining his unbothered cover.

"Well, we were best friends, right? Why do you still need to hide your face? Is it reserved for t h e g o g?" he teases.

"Let's just say, I'd take it off if I knew you'd forget it," Dream scoffs.

"The fuck does that mean?"

"You remember bad things."


"Tommy, I'm not taking the mask off," Dream says, coldly and angrily, but in a collected, composed way.


They remain in an awkward silence, Dream pacing again. "When's Wil gonna be up?" Tommy asks.

"He seems exhausted, Tommy. Just leave him be."


Their dry conversations are cut off by a knock at the door. Dream goes and gets it, gripping his axe behind his back and blocking off the doorway so Tommy can't be seen. Tommy can't make out who Dream's talking to, and they communicate in whispers, but their conversation is brief, and once they're done talking Dream closes and locks the door, and rushes to collect tools and supplies.

"What the fuck was that about?" Tommy asks, watching Dream frantically add ingredients to his brewing stand. Everything needed for three invisibility potions. 

"They're coming. They know you're here."

"You mean, like, Techno? The pig bastard who's trying to kill me?"

"Yeah, he's got a bunch of people with him, too. We have to get out of here, Tommy."

"Can I help? Like, potions or shit?"

"I have this under control. Take this with you," Dream says, bottling a fresh invisibility potion and handing it to Tommy. "Go outside, behind the house, and find a tree or something to hide behind. Stay in sight of here. Don't leave footprints. If anyone except me approaches you, drink the potion and don't let them see you. No matter what you see or hear, don't go anywhere without me. Unless I start leaving with them. Then, you book it for Punz's house. Got it?" Dream explains, and he describes to Tommy exactly where to find Punz.

"Why Punz?"

"He'll help you," Dream says, but Tommy doesn't bother imploring him for more answers. His answer was final. He leaves the house, doing what Dream said and finding a hiding spot not too far away.

"Shit," Dream hisses once Tommy's gone. Once he's gathered all of his necessities, he stares down the hallway, and as he approaches the door, the sound of an acoustic guitar gets louder and louder. "He'll be fine," he whispers to himself, and goes back to grab his flint and steel. And right as he walks out, he sets a torch, and allows the main room to be engulfed in a flaming inferno.

And So Theseus Fell (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now