I said, " They are going to stay in mine and Nik's townhouse, that we have there."

Kat said, " You weren't supposed to know. Elijah and I were supposed to get the renovations done, and then we didn't have to tell you. We know how hard you worked to make the first renovations perfect."

I said, " Yeah. Now, the whole townhouse is a wreck! Like seriously? You could've told me, I probably would've just had the renovations get done!"

Davina looked at me, and said, " Would you, tho?"

I said, " I don't know. Probably. Maybe."

The girls laughed. Bekah came over, and held her hands out for Henrik. I said, " He might ruin your dress."

Bekah said, " It's fine. I want to hold my nephew."

Kat handed Henrik to Bekah, and Bekah held him on her hip. I said, " Bekah, that dress is gorgeous."

She smiled. Bonnie came into the room, and Bonnie said, " Are you ready?"

Bekah said, " As ready, as I will ever be."

I said, " Let's get this wedding, on the way."

Bekah handed Henrik to me, and I held him on my hip. We walked out of the room, and went to the stairs, that go down to the courtyard. Nik was waiting at the top of the stairs, he had offered to walk Rebekah down the aisle. Damon is Stefan's best man, Elijah and Kol are his groomsmen.

Nik said, " Sister. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Rebekah said, " I do, Nik. I love Stefan."

Nik sighed and said, " Alright. If he hurts you, he will wish for death."

We laughed. Bonnie went and sat down. Nik kissed Henrik's forehead, and said, " Let's get my baby sister married."

Nik pecked my cheek. I walked down the aisle first, with Henrik on my hip. The guests awed at Henrik. Next was Kat, and then Davina. The music started and everyone stood. Rebekah walked down the aisle, with Nik on her arm. Stefan looked blown away by Bekah.

Bekah and Nik reached the end of the aisle, and Nik kissed Bekah's cheek, then sat down. Bekah and Stefan joined hands, and stood across from each other.

The priest said, " We are here to witness this beautiful union between Stefan Salvatore, and Rebekah Mikaelson. Does anyone object to this union?"

No one stood. The priest said, " I believe you have written your own vows."

Rebekah and Stefan nodded. Stefan said, " Rebekah Mikaelson, I have loved you, ever since we met. We have been together for a hundred years. You have always been there for me, even when I was trying to not go all ripper. I changed for you. I love you with all my heart, and glad I get so spend eternity together."

Rebekah said, " Stefan Salvatore, you may have been a ripper, and killed thousands, but I still love you. I know you inside and out. We have seen each other at our worst, and have been through everything together. I have lived for a thousand years, and loved many, but no one as much as I love you. I love you, and happy we get to be together for eternity."

The priest said, " I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Stefan and Rebekah kissed. Everyone clapped. They walked down the aisle, and to the ballroom. I walked down the aisle with Damon, and Henrik. Kat with Elijah, and Davina with Kol. The guests followed to the ballroom. We all sat down, and Nik sat down beside me, and Henrik is sitting on my lap.

Nik kissed my cheek, and the speeches started. Kol, and Davina went first. Kol said, " Stefan, I'm surprised you stuck around this long. Don't hurt my sister, or you will face the end of my baseball bat. Rebekah, i am glad you get to be happy. All we have ever wanted was for you to be happy, sister."

Davina said, " Rebekah, you are my bestie. I am glad you get to be happy with Stefan. From the moment I first seen you and Stefan, I knew you both were madly in love with each other. Stefan, you are like a brother, I never had. I am glad you get to be happy with Rebekah."

Next was Elijah and Kat. Kat said, " Rebekah, we have known each other for five hundred years, and have Been sisters ever since. Stefan, you are officially part of the family."

Elijah said, " Rebekah, my sister, I love you. I am happy for you. Stefan, we,come to the family. Don't you dare hurt Rebekah, or you will see the bad side of me."

Damon, and Marcellus went next. Damon said, " Rebekah, I have only known you for a short time, but I can see you make my brother happy. Stefan, we may have not parted on good terms, but I am happy I get to witness you finally getting married."

Marcellus said, " Aunt Rebekah, you are the best aunt. You and Stefan have been in love for a hundred years. I have only witnessed a few of these years, but I am glad I got to. Stefan, don't hurt my aunt or else. We may not have met, until you and my family came to New Orleans, a few years ago. I am glad you are part of the family, Uncle Stefan."

Everyone laughed. Nik, and I was next. I gave Henrik to Nik, and he held him. Nik said, " Rebekah, I am glad you get to be happy. You may have annoyed me every now and then, but you are my sister, and I love you. You are the best aunt to both Marcellus and Henrik. Stefan, we have been friends ever since the 20s. I will not hesitate to kill you, if you hurt Rebekah. You will wish for death."

Henrik giggled. I said, " Stefan, you are a brother to me. Welcome to the family. You now get to be the uncle to two wonderful kids. Don't hurt Rebekah, or you will see the worst side of me. Rebekah, we have been sisters for a thousand years. We told each other everything. Stefan and you have always been in love. I am happy for you both."

I said, " Now, the first dance as husband and wife."

Rebekah and Stefan went to the middle of the dance floor, and danced.

Nik, and I danced with Henrik on my hip.

Two hours later, I said, " I'm going to bring Henrik up to bed."

Nik kissed Henrik's forehead and said, " Alright. I will be up in a little while."

He kissed my lips, and I went upstairs with Henrik. I got Henrik a bath, and changed his diaper, and put his onesie on him. I sat down on the rocking chair in his nursery, and read him a bed time story.

It took three stories, but he finally fell asleep. I went to my room, and got a shower. I put on one of Nik's Henleys and walked into the room. Nik walked into the room. His tie was untied, and just hanging around his neck. The top four buttons on his shirt, we unbuttoned. His suit jacket, he laid on the couch, in our room.

He looked at me, and smiled. He said, " The party is over. Rebekah and Stefan are on their way to England, and I gave them the key to our townhouse."

I said, " Great. Henrik is finally asleep."

He walked over to me, and put his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck, and leaned in. Just as our lips grazed, Henrik's cries filled the air. I groaned, and said, " I'll get him."

He pecked my cheek, and went to get a shower. I went to the nursery, and picked up Henrik. I said, " Whats wrong, baby?"

I walked onto the balcony, usually the air calms him down. I looked over the city. Henrik was calming down, and soon fell asleep.

I smiled, and went back into his nursery. I kissed Henrik's forehead, and set him in his crib. He curled up with his stuffed Elephant, that Nik had given him.

I quietly left the room, and to my room. Nik was sitting against the headboard and said, " Is he asleep?"

I crawled onto the bed, and sat between Nik's legs. I said, " Yeah."

I looked at Nik, and he kissed my lips. Things got heated, fast.

The End!!

I hope you liked this. I have made another story called, Love Throughout Time (Klaroline). I hope you like it. If you haven't already, check out my 9 other Klaroline Stories!!

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