Stebekah Wedding

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Caroline's POV
It has been five months, and everything is great. Henrik is the best son. Everyone is happy. Today is Rebekah and Stefan's wedding. The wedding is going to be held at the Compound, and the reception will also be held here in the ballroom. Nik turned the crescent pack into hybrids, with both of our blood. Half of the pack if sired to me, and the other half is sired to Nik. Damon turned Elena into a vampire, two months ago. He has been trying to get her bloodlust under control. She isn't able to come to the wedding because she doesn't have her bloodlust under control.

Anyway, I woke up, and seen the girls were just starting to get up. I put on my bridesmaid dress, with my heels. I did my hair and makeup. I walked out of the room to Henrik's nursery. I walked in, and he wasn't in his crib. I walked to Stefan's and Rebekah's wing of the house, and heard the guys talking in Stefan's and Bekah's room.

I opened the door, and each of the guys had a glass of bourbon in their hand, and Henrik was on the bed, playing with his toys. I said, " Really? Drinking in front of a child?"

They guys looked to me. Stefan said, " Care, what are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be getting ready with the girls."

I said, " I am ready, and the girls are getting ready. I went to get my son, but instead found an empty crib, and I found him in here, with yous."

Nik said, " Sorry, my love. I didn't want Henrik to wake you girls."

I said, " Alright."

Damon said, " So, where is Stefan taking Rebekah?"

Stefan said, " England. Oh, can we stay in the townhouse, yous have there?"

Kol was laughing. I said, " Whats his problem?"

Kol stopped laughing, and said, " Its the townhouse in England. Don't go there."

Elijah said, " Kol, don't."

Kol smirked and said, " You might want to spend your honeymoon, somewhere else. Elijah and Kat destroyed the townhouse. I mean they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, even when I was in the house. Everything is broke. There is a hole in the living room wall, and the kitchen cupboard."

I said, " Elijah Mikaelson! I told you and Kat not to break anything!"

Elijah said, " Sorry, Caroline."

Nik said, " The least you could've did was have renovations being done. Instead, you left it like that."

Elijah said, " We were meaning to have them done, I just forgot."

I said, " Stefan, you can use the other townhouse we have in England."

Kol said, " We don't have another one."

I said, " Yes, we do. Well, Nik and I do. It's the one we stay in, when we went to England. Where do you think Nik and I stayed in England?"

Kol said, " We figured you got a hotel."

I said, " Nope. Now, could we get this wedding on the way?"

They nodded. I went over to the bed, and picked up Henrik. He was wearing his little suit, and he looked adorable. I walked over to Nik, and he kissed Henrik's forehead, and my lips. I walked out of the room, and went to my room.

I walked in, and the girls were waiting for Bekah to get her dress on. Kat handed me a blood bag, and held Henrik. I drank the blood bag, and said, " So, Kat I heard you and Elijah destroyed the townhouse in England?"

Bekah came out of the bathroom in her gorgeous, strapless, dress with diamonds, and beads. and said, " What?"

Davina said, " So, where is Bekah and Stefan going to stay when they go to England?"

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