Chapter 4

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Saturday, October 2, 2004

"I love you too, Baby. I'm so glad you're finally home for good. Come on. I know she hates riding in the cruiser. Lets get home so she can hate her life in peace." I laugh lightly. I guess Dad has come to terms with Isabella. I hope it doesn't hurt him as much as I think it does. We climb into the cruiser, myself in the passenger seat. "I found a few cars you girls might be interested in. Billy had an old truck that little Jacob rebuilt the engine on. I got it for you guys to use at least until you can find something else you might want to drive. I know you both have money set aside for your first car, but the truck will last until then I'm sure. If neither of you want to keep it then I could use an off duty car."

"Thanks, Dad. Did Billy tell you that I had talked to him about a car?"

"Yeah. I know you asked him to find out if there were any decently running cars for sale on the Rez. The truck was one of them. I asked him to keep in to himself." I laugh. They are like a couple old maids, they're version of tea being vitamin R.

"You two might as well be siblings. Cousins my butt. I emailed my teachers. The English teacher didn't send work because they are doing a group study on the book, but the rest were more than happy to send me work from the beginning of last week. I've got all of it together, so when we go in on Monday I'll be ready and in the right thought process for where we are in curriculum."

"That's wonderful, Baby. Old Quil said he's expecting you out at the cabin tomorrow morning early. He seemed very excited."

"Yeah. I was actually hoping you might come out with me. Thought we might have a long over due conversation. Plus Old Quil wants to talk to me about the coming of age rites. He's worried about my choices for it, but I've already made up my mind."

"Well I can't see why he would think he could talk you out of what you have decided. Much as I wish someone could." I can tell he's worried, but it's important. Hopefully our conversation will tell him why. I don't plan to tell him with Old Quil. I'm going to tell Dad after bed. Seems poetic, or maybe I'm just becoming dramatic.
Now that I'm living with him, it will be harder to keep things from him. I've never really wanted to. He's Pagan, and I don't think he will have a problem with me preforming rites. Telling him that I'm reincarnated and that I still have abilities from my last life might be different. I still have to find Luna too. Of course, knowing Luna, she probably knows where I am and is already making plans. I miss her so much. I know that I shouldn't compare them, but Isabella pales in comparison to Luna even without taking into account the intimacy we shared. Maybe I would like her more if I hadn't already had such an incredibly loyal and devoted sister.
We pull up to the house, and Isabella actually loves the truck. She's excited about it, so I tell her I'll find another one within this week and she can have it. Dad looks happy for all of her excitement, and I think for a second that maybe this will all work out all right.

I let Dad know that I want to have an important discussion with him after Isabella goes to bed just before he tells us that Billy and Jacob are coming over. We order pizza and the night goes well. Dad asks if Billy can stay for our talk, but I'm sure he knows I don't mind. So after Isabella has gone to bed and Jacob has passed out on the couch we all sit on the back deck while I explain about my past life and everything that has brought me here.

"So the Spirits did bring you here. And you have been an adult in a child's body all your life? Old Quil is going to be so excited he can't see strait. Do you plan to tell him tomorrow?" I smile at Billy. What must he have thought that this wasn't a surprise for him?

"I plan to tell him, and yes on all counts. I've enjoyed having more of a childhood. The people who raised me last time were not even what I would call decent people."

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