Chapter 2

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Wait, wait, wait. First, thank the Gods. It's a baby. Second, though, am I a baby? I try to see around us, but my vision is not at all helpful.

"Congratulations, Charlie. I didn't expect to watch Sarah birth your children in the middle of our living room, but I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Billy. They're so perfect. It's lucky that Sarah is a midwife. I think Renee is a little mad. I don't know how she can be mad right now."

"Charlie, honey, she's just in pain. I've never seen a labor come on so strongly and so quickly. One minute, the two of you are getting ready to leave, and the next she already dilated too far to try to move. I'm so happy I could help with the birth, Charlie, but I think we should just be happy that both babes are healthy. The first was so fast. I just don't know what could have brought on the labor so quickly. I'd like you to take them all to the hospital just to make sure they are all healthy. There shouldn't be problems, but I'm honestly just still reeling." I feel when the man picks me up again, and I look at him closely. This must be my dad. I have parents again.

"Wait, Charlie, what are you guys naming them? I have to keep a record of it for the tribe." Dad laughs and I can't help the joy that follows.

"The Quileute blood is diluted, Billy." He smiles wide at his friend before looking down at me and away to where I think my sister might be with our mother. "What do you think, Renee?"

"It was suppose to be one, Charlie!" Oh she is hysterical. "I only picked one name for a girl! This one can be Isabella Marie. Its my favorite name so far." My father looks down at me with a worried look. What is he worried about? He looks back to his friend Billy for a moment.

"Okay. I guess Renee has named Isabella, but what will you name this little one. She's your firstborn, Charlie, and it looks like Renee is content to let you name her on your own."

"Lund Drottning. My little spirit queen."

"That's beautiful, Charlie. Icelandic? I know your grandfather was born there."

"Yeah. You know he had a lot of influence for me. Mom and Dad weren't very interested, but he taught me. It might be presumptuous, but I think my little Lund was brought here to me. That labor was startling. And I felt something was going to happen. That's why I wanted to go. But I guess they really wanted her born here and now. I'll have to find a way to send my thanks later."

"I understand the spirit. Why queen?" I couldn't see Billy, but he sounded like he was truly putting thought into why Dad was naming me as he was. Billy and Dad both believed in the spirits of the world. Oh that's good. I can't let them make our mistakes. Although, Dad probably didn't realize how well he was naming me. Spirit Queen isn't far off from Mistress of Death.

"I don't know, Billy. It feels right. Maybe it's wishful thinking, speaking thoughts into existence? She'll be someone's queen one day. Until then, I'll just have to teach her to expect a queens treatment."

"Maybe you should teach her a queens responsibility?" Dad looks toward Billy again. I can't wait for my eyes to develop.

"What are you thinking Billy?"

"You are technically half Quileute Charlie. Each of your parents were. I know you say that the Quileute blood is diluted, but if you truly think that the spirits wanted them born here and now, then I have to consider it might be for a reason. I'll have both the girls listed as having been born here regardless. They're each a Black and an Ateara even if they don't carry the name. What about Isabella? If you talk to Renee she might be open to talking about her name too?" By the end of his speech he has reached a whisper, and he is standing much closer to us.

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