Chapter 1

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"Luna? Luna, what does this mean? Hermione just broke down. She refuses to answer any questions at all. Luna, I need to know what's going on! All these people... they're just sick. It can't be a coincidence. It just can't. I can't fight air, Luna, I need to know what is causing this so I can fix it." She's sitting there staring at me waiting. Why isn't she answering me? "Luna? Love? Sister? Please say something!"

"There isn't a way to fight this, Ari." I start shaking my head before she can finish the statement.

"There has to be. I'm Arisaema Cosmos Potter-Black. I survived the killing curse twice. I can fight this. I have to, Luna! Our people are dying! Just tell me what's causing this. Please, Sister!"

"You can't fight the Mother, Ari. We've angered her. We were suppose to protect her ways, and we haven't. So now she is pulling her influence from the world. It's not just us, Ari. It's everything. The world is dying. I'm sorry, Ari, but there isn't anything that we can do."


"Hello, Ari. What brings you all the way here?" I stare at her for a moment, not
that she cares. She is carefully arranging runes on a piece of parchment. There are pieces scattered across every surface of the Lovegood home.

"The kids went first. I've accepted that because they didn't have to live in this. The elderly were next, which made sense. We were supposed to be the strongest physically and magically. The muggles are gone by now. What I don't understand is that every other person on the planet is already sick. They're dying. Those who didn't take the easy way at the beginning. Why are we not ill?..... Luna, why are we not dying? What did we do to be cursed like this?" She stops for a moment, turning to look at me.

"You were always the strongest of us, sister. You likely would have been here anyway. And you need to know that I love you. I have always loved you. You never made me feel like I was less for all of my ramblings. I was always different, and I knew that from a young age. So, I've acted strange to keep people away. You, though, you always believed me. Even if you didn't know what I was really saying, you believed in me. Believed that I knew what I was saying even if no one else understood it. You were my sister long before you were my lover. That's why I asked you to let me tie myself to you so intrinsically. I didn't know at the time what was coming, but I knew it was something. And I wanted to be with you through all of it. I wanted to be with you until the very end. I didn't realize that it would be this kind of end. That's why I am still here. But even you should have become ill before now. If you think hard enough, you can answer why you are not." I stood staring at her again. She signed up for this. Signed up to stay with me even knowing that it was going to be bad. Hermione and Ron had stood by my side through the war, but I had always known that they both had regrets. I could never hold it against them, but no one wanted their family in danger. Luna had known that something would happen that would drag her through whatever trouble I found myself in, and she did it anyway. How could I ever have earned someone like her? From what she said, she had realized that we would be the last. She had known we would have to watch as everyone we cared for became ill and died. And now she was implying that we wouldn't. Why? Why wouldn't I become ill like everyone else?

"Luna, I don't understand. There's nothing I can think of."

"Ari, I've done a lot of thinking, and I've communed with the Mother at every opportunity for the past year. She has always hinted that you were different. I don't think you're different because of something she did. I think you are different for another reason. I think you did something that you never intended. I've known you for a long time. I know that you long for family. I know that you would likely have had children, and you would have made yourself a family. I also know that you have been looking forward to seeing the family you have lost. Sometimes you get this look in your eye of anticipation. Since the day you accepted that there was no way to save our people, you have been waiting to see your parents, Sirius, Remus, and Teddy. And I have been so happy for you, but I don't think you realize how odd that is. Most don't accept death as easily as you have, and if they do then it takes years. I know that you had accepted that you wouldn't survive the war, but it's been different since then. Your mother saved you from the first killing curse, but even with the horcrux you should not have survived the second. Yet here you are. I have known that you held Death's cloak. Did you find his stone? Did you win his wand? Because sister, when I look for your death I can never find it. And since the day that I tied myself to you, I can't find mine either." I am dumbstruck. I feel as my legs give out, and then everything goes black.


"Sister, what exactly do you think this ritual will do?"

"It will send us to somewhere else. I'm not sure if we will retain our abilities, a portion of them, or none at all. I don't know where it will be or how it will work, but I do know there is nothing for us here. We have gathered every scrap of information on our people and our abilities. We have destroyed any landmarks incase life is restored here. In the case that we take the physical things with us, it has been gathered. In the case that we can't, I have set timed spells that will destroy everything within a certain distance." I nod hoping that if life is restored that they will do things differently than we did.

"So, the only thing left to do is to rip our soul and consciousness out of our bodies and propel them into the ether?" She smiles at me widely, and I can't help feeling at peace. It will work, and if it doesn't then at least I'll have Luna.

"I hope we retain our memories properly, Sister. If we don't I want you to know that I love you. I never regretted anything I did for you."

"I love you too, Sister. I wish I could repay you for everything, but I don't think it's possible. I hope I remember you in this next adventure." She smiles as we both release our magic into the runes situated around us. As the last rune is activated I feel an instant of extreme freedom as though I've been spread through the sky, followed immediately by extreme compression. When the compression is over I open my eyes to see a tall man with dark hair and eyes. He looks at me like the world has somehow been saved, and I'm just extremely confused until I am placed on a woman's chest beside a newborn who honestly looks as large as I am. Wait.

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