“ What are you performing?” The guy asks Maisie.

 “ Runaway.” Maisie says, leaning into the microphone.

 As soon as she’s left alone on the stage, Maisie loses her smile and goes into her zone. She starts softly playing the guitar and Camila can tell she’s not that good at it, probably still learning how to play. She smiles when her friend’s soft and gentle voice fills the room.

“I had a dream I was seven
Climbing my way in a tree
I saw a piece of heaven
Waiting, impatient, for me”

“And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows, nobody knows
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain”

“But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I can't take it anymore”

I was painting a picture
The picture was a painting of you
And for a moment I thought you were here
But then again, it wasn't true”

And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday
Nobody knows, nobody knows
And I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain”

“But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go
Now take me home
Take me home where I belong”

“But I kept running for a soft place to fall
And I kept running for a soft place to fall”

 The crowd cheers Maisie as soon as she finishes and she eats it up, bouncing up and down and clapping along with people like she didn’t just perform such a calm and sad song. They all give her a standing ovation as she walks back to the table.

 “ That felt so awesome.” Maisie squeals as Connor wraps his arms around her and picks her up off the ground, kissing her cheek.

 “ That’s my girl.” He says as everyone takes their seats again.

 “ That was great, Maisie.” Shawn says. “ Guess you're free from the final exam.”

 “ That was so easy! Camila, you really need to do one next week.” The blonde says. “ You’ve never had one of Mr. Mendes’ final exams before. They are not fun, believe me.”

 “ I’ll think about it.” Camila says, thinking Maisie makes it seem so easy.

 “ You never had one of my final exams either, Maisie.” Shawn says with a laugh. “ I’ve only been teaching for two months.”

 “ Well, I’m sure they suck.” Maisie laughs.

 The room goes quiet when another performer is called to the stage and they watch in silence. Camila starts getting more and more uncomfortable each second as Jake’s leg keeps brushing against hers. She’s not sure what it is, but he gives her creepy vibes. She keeps trying to move away from him discreetly throughout the performance until she has nowhere to go anymore, but somehow he still manages to get closer to her. When she feels like she’s about to punch him, Shawn moves close to her and whispers in her ear for her to trade seats with him.

 Camila immediately stands up as Shawn takes her seat and she sits in his previous one. She sighs in relief, silently thanking him with a look. She can see Jake glaring at Shawn, making it obvious what she had already picked up since her first day at school: they clearly don’t like each other.

 By the start of second round, Camila notices everyone at their table dispersing into the crowd. She spots Noah at the bar talking with a girl and Jake is nowhere to be seen, leaving just her, Shawn, Maisie and Connor at the table.

 “ Mr. Mendes, did you see-”

 “ Connor.” Shawn interrupts him. “ You don’t have to call me ‘Mr. Mendes’ here. We went to high school together.”

 “ Can we call you…” Connor trails off with a mischievous grin on his face, which makes Maisie laugh.

 “ No! You can’t” Shawn quickly says, and Camila can see his face turning red.

 “ I’m missing something here.” Camila says, looking from Shawn to Connor.

 “ You see, Camila, about three years ago…” Connor starts, leaning forward on the table.

 “ Connor, I’ll fail you.” Shawn says. “ I’ll fail your girlfriend too.”

 The three of them are laughing, but Camila is still lost.

 “ Three years ago, Duckie here decided to start a prank war with the freshmen.” Connor says.

 “ Duckie?” Camila asks, looking at Shawn with his face buried in his hands.

 “ It became quite apparent that Shawn, I mean Duckie, was the one behind all the pranks. We suffered at the hands of this man.” Connor laughs, pointing at Shawn. “ So we decided we had enough and came up with a little plan, now known as Duckie’s revenge.”

 “ Dammit, Connor.” Shawn says. “ I knew it was you! I knew it.”

 “ Shawn was known for his daily naps in his car, particularly during history class, so we followed him to the parking lot one day and waited for him to fall asleep. We got about twenty five rolls of duct tape and wrapped him inside the car. There had to be around six layers of duct tape around his car when he woke up, screaming and kicking at the door.”

 “ Oh my god! How long were you in there?” Camila asks, without hesitating. She loves this type of interaction with him, even if they’re just friends.

 “ History class was second period and I wasn’t cut out of the car until my dad called the school trying to find me. I don’t remember what time it was, but it was dark.” Shawn tells her as they all laugh.

 “ You were in there almost twelve hours?” She asks in shock and he nods his head.

 “ How did you use the bathroom?” Maisie asks.

 “ I’ll never tell.” Shawn laughs.

 Camila laughs along with him, thinking she could get used to that. Interacting with him like they’re friends. She didn’t think it was possible before, but there it was.

 “ I don’t feel good.” Noah announces as he walks back to the table. “ Can we go?”

 “ How much did you eat, Noah?” Connor teases him as he stands up.

 “ See you tomorrow, Mr. Mendes.” Maisie says, looking at Camila before following her boyfriend.

 “ Just leave Sofia at my house tonight.” Shawn says when everyone is out of earshot. “ I’ll get her ready for school tomorrow. They’re probably asleep by now anyway.”

 “ You sure?” Camila asks.

 “ Yeah, it’s fine.” He confirms.

 “ Okay, thanks.”

 They both stand there for a moment, not knowing how to say their goodbyes.

 “ I’ll see you tomorrow, Camila.” Shawn says, getting out of her way as she smiles and catches up with Maisie.

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