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Michelle Horvath couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts.

Both her parents, Istvan and Terezia, attended Durmstrang, where they met and fell in love. After finishing school they moved to Budapest, Hungary, where Michelle was born and attended Muggle school until the age of 11. Due to government conflicts in the Muggle world, the Horvaths decided to head West and relocated to Dublin, Ireland. Soon after, Michelle started at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Michelle was entering her fifth year, and she couldn't be more excited. She finally got appointed as a Slytherin prefect, a position she'd been begging Professor Snape, her head of house, for since first year. She'd finally made it as the permanent chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team, and with Terence Higgs as the team captain they had a real shot at the quidditch house cup, her OWLs were coming up and she couldn't be more prepared, she'd been top of her class since first year and didn't plan on breaking that streak.
The only thing that stood between her and a perfect year was one tall Scottish boy.... Oliver. Fucking. Wood.
Oliver was a Gryffindor quidditch legend. He was one of the best keepers she'd ever seen, although she would never admit it. However, Professor McGonagall was hellbent on making Oliver and Michelle get along, Michelle suspected that it was part of a 'friendship campaign' created by Dumbledore to make Gryffindor and Slytherin more amicable. But no matter how many quidditch picnics or afternoon tea sessions McGonagall scheduled, each encounter only worsened the relationship between the two quidditch players.

Michelle entered the Hogwarts Express and was immediately yanked into a compartment by her favourite Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood. Despite being polar opposites, the two girls got confused for sisters more often than not. Both had blonde, wavy hair reaching their mid back, although Michelle's was more golden than Luna's. Both had striking eyes, Luna's a soft blue and Michelle's a dark green. Michelle had typical Eastern European features, high cheekbones and sharp jaw, Luna's face was soft and gentle, Michelle assumed people just saw the hair and the fact they were both white and boom! sisters.
After getting tackled by her friend, Michelle sat down beside another one of her friends. Cedric Golden Boy Diggory. Gorgeous was not a word powerful enough to describe him. Simply the energy he radiated made every girl swoon, except for Michelle and Luna of course. Cedric joined their posse after finding them the only two Hogwarts girls not tripping over their robes trying to get his attention. To Michelle, Cedric had always been a brother, Amos Diggory helped Michelle's parents get jobs at the ministry after their move to the West. Seated beside Luna and across from Michelle was Terence Higgs. Terence was gorgeous like Cedric, but in a more dark and unapproachable way. He wasn't mean by any standard, but girls knew better than to ask him to Hogsmeade.
On the ride to school the four talked about everything and anything. Each of them sharing their summer trips: Cedric went to the quidditch World Cup with his father, Luna researched new magical creatures for the Quibbler, Terence attended a Muggle military boot camp and strangely enjoyed it, and Michelle spent the summer in Siberia with her parents. As Terence was a year older than the other three he was preparing for his NEWTS, and reassured the younger group that the OWLs weren't as bad as they seemed. Although this didn't calm their nerves as, contrary to his devil-may-care attitude, Terence was one of the top students in a lot of his classes. All four students were prefects and planned on forcing the professors to give them rounds together. Luna surprised the other three with enchanted quidditch goggles to wick away rain and prevent them from getting foggy, something the trio was immensely grateful for, as Cedric had nearly shattered his arm the year prior in a windy game against Ravenclaw.
The four chatted on, filling each other in on each detail of their lives, and preparing for the best year yet...

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