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The full creation.pulled itself out from Underground. It screeched.. Daichi remembered those vines. That was his experiment.. Biollante. But how? How did she grow so big? He knew exactly what it was when he thought about it. The radiation testing and Godzilla's DNA mutated it so drastically. But that raised the question- Who got Biollante out?

Daichi was pushed to the floor. Once he hit it, He tried standing up but a foot pushed him down. He looked up and paused. A gun was aimed at his head.. "Ejiro?" Ejiro chuckled with a devilish grin. "You i d i o t. Why would you trust anyone like me? Oh well, I guess that just means I'm good at acting!" Daichi stared. "What the hell does that mean.. Did you steal Biollante?" Ejiro nodded. "Oh, It was easy. While nobody was here, I stole her and planted her right under the city. It was easy to get her to this size. I just dumped Nuclear waste on her.." "Why?.." Ejiro sighed." I should explain myself."

"My dad is a large figure in the government. Once he heard G-Force was being constructed, He took his shot to take the weapons and become powerful. He wanted to make the Japanese government powerful again so he can invade America and get payback for what they've done to our country. Once he heard a Man-Made monster was being created, He appointed me to work with you just to steal it. Look at her now.. Our ultimate weapon.."

Daichi stared and frowned. "So you're gonna play god?!" "Isn't that what you're doing? Playing god? You created new life to kill another one. Admit it! You had doubts about this plan failing! Now," Ejiro grabbed Daichi by the hair and forced him to watch the TV. "You can watch your failed experiment destroy Japan."

Godzilla: Blackout.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin