Chapter 3: Be ready.

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Daichi gripped onto the table as the sound of something crashing to the city ground was heard. Yelling and footsteps were heard from within the building. Daichi opened the door and looked out. Lori rushed into the lab and pushed Daichi in, Closing the door. "We're taking shelter!" Daichi looked at her in horror. "From.. What?.." Lori took a deep breath, "Godzilla has come to the surface.." Daichi froze. He was- Frozen in fear. He couldn't move. Does he.. Release the plant?

Jets soared through the sky. A loud shrieking roar echoed through out the city. Smoke clears, There he stood. The large monster, Known as Godzilla. He towered over buildings. "Fire!" A man yelled in his tank. The tanks on the street begin shooting, along with the soldiers on the ground. Of course, These weapons didn't phase him. The special weapons weren't ready at all. He swiped his hand in the air, Hitting a jet. An explosion occurred on impact. He once again let out a shriek and swiped his tail. It destroyed the tanks in his way. Not only that, it hit a building causing it to collapse. This, Is where his rage truly begun. He begin walking forward. Any building he ran into, He destroyed. He swiped his claws, tearing holes in the buildings. People were screaming for their lives, Mothers were holding there children.

"We'll meet your father soon.. I promise." A mother said, Choking on her words as she held her daughters. A shadow cast over their car, And crushed it, Killing them. Godzilla rampaged through out the streets of this unfortunate city. He pushed a building over, causing it topple onto others, Creating a domino effect. Fires were sparking while the army rushed to do something. They HAD to do something. Everything they had was being sent out. As minutes became hours, And day became night, The city was still under siege. Buildings burned behind Goji as he kept making his way across the poor city. He was approached the beach. It was clear he was going home. Before that, A jet flew above him and dropped powerful bombs onto him.

They hit his back and shrieked and suddenly stopped... Smoke covered the skies. He opened his mouth. His spines they- Begun blinking white then stopped. Suddenly from his tail, The spines begun turning blue and lead all the way up to his head. A light shined out of his mouth, When suddenly, A blue flash was seen and the monster was blasting his Atomic breath across the city. The fires grew stronger and with impact of the Laser, Everything around it melted or set on fire, along with a Cyan explosion. He was whipping out the army without even trying. He closed his mouth and a blue smoke raised out of his mouth. He turned and quickly charged into the ocean, He dipped underneath and swam away..

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