Spring Crocus- Brew x Reader Pt. 2

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TW: Angst

I was heartbroken but there was nothing more I could do. I tried calling & texting him, but deep down I knew he wouldn't answer. I could only imagine how badly my words hurt him.

I decided to enroll at Hillmark Academy to become a successful Youtuber. I guess working to meet my goals let me forget & move on a little. School was going great. Good grades & lots of subs.

Then one day I was walking home when I bumped into someone who looked I they haven't slept or taken care of themselves in years. They truly looked like a freak, I thought at that moment. Now I regret that thought.

"Oh, sorry-," they said but then got scared when they looked at my face. "I.... Um," they said petrified. I just thought they were weird & moved on. We I got home I realized who it was. I couldn't recognize him, Brew. How dumb of me. I couldn't recognize my best friend, the person I loved but ended up hurting. His straight silky hair was now coarse & tangled. Eyes once bright with life looked dead inside with bags under them. Why was he here instead of his science program. Was it because of me that he felt like he couldn't go through with it. Was he now drained & zombie-like due to my words tearing him apart, leaving nothing but a husk behind. All the guilt hit harder than ever before knowing that his state was my fault. What kind of monster am I.

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