3 Lucky Charms.

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I hadn't even realized I had feel asleep.
I woke up with drool on my chin, gross. I had fallen asleep sitting against my wall on my bed, I rubbed the back of my neck, it was probably going to be sore for the rest of the day. I looked over at Zero, she had her back faced towards me, she was still sitting at Ralfs desk. I whispered, "Zero, are you awake?" No response. She must have fallen asleep looking at the window. I noticed she was kinda shivering, even with a heater in here, it's still not the warmest. I got up and stretched, then I turned around and grabbed one of those thin little blankets on my bed. I walked over to her and wrapped it around her shoulders. She fell asleep still sitting up, with her hand resting on her cheek.

When I wrapped the blanket around her, she opened her eyes. In a faint sleepy voice she said "mm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep." I turned around and walked back to my bed. "Me either, how long were you asleep for..?" She looked to me, then back to the window, "not long after you, I didn't bother to wake you up, you look tired." She looked at the clock on the wall, "it's already 4:27." I rubbed the back of my neck again. "Ralf is going to be back soon, we will go over the plan again when he's here."
She turned the chair to were it faced me, "do you think he will like me, like not mind that I'm not human..?" I rolled my eyes "I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with it, I've never had a problem with different species." After awhile you could hear the crunch of the snow, someone was close. Zero turned the chair around the looked at the window, "Ralfs here." It was silent, it was almost like Zero was almost nervous. I heard the beeps from the keypad outside the door, then it opened.

Ralf stepped in and didn't even notice Zero. "Hey Niro, I saw your tracks in the snow, did you get off early.?" He stayed by the door and started to take his suit off. "Ya I did, lucky me..." He pulled of his helmet, "it sure looked like there was an extra pair of tracks stepping after you, did someone walk with you.?" Then Zero stood up, Ralf finally noticed her and looked towards her. "Hi, I'm uh Zero, nice to meet you, Ralf." Ralf looked shock, he slowly turned back to look at me. "Mind explaining, Niro." I stood up, "Ralf, this is Zero, she is part of the Fulcrum team." His eyes widened, his mouth even opened a little. He looked at Zero and said a name. "Ahsoka Tano.?" Zero nodded her head. Ralf scratched his head "so your really here to help us?" Zero looked over at me, "well I didn't expect to find someone like you guys but yes I can help you both, I was here to help with the search with Starkiller."

She kept talking, "I'll help you guys off this planet and back to my post, then we will both have to be careful and work together, I can try to find to find you both some of our armor so you can blend in but it's hard to find extra armor laying around." While she was talking, she had came and sat down next to me. Ralf had walked over to his bed. "Are we sure this is going to work?" Ralf sounded worried, maybe even scared. "It has to work" I said.

We spent the rest of the night talking and listening to the radio, sometimes it plays songs from cantinas. Ralf even made us some of those gross muffins for dinner. When we all got tired I offered Zero to share a bed with me. "Your so generous, but I can sleep on the floor." Ralf laughed and said, "the floor is made up of old creeky wood, it's pretty cold down there." Zero turned back towards me and said "maybe sharing a bed isn't such a bad idea." These bed were small, I didn't much mind though. I slept close to the wall, so it's more comfortable for Zero, your always crushed when you sleep towards the wall.
"Goodnight Maro boy." I rolled my eyes, I hated when Ralf called me that. "Night Ralf."
It was silent for awhile, then I heard a whisper from Zero, "you never told me your name before Ralf came home, Niro, I like that name.

She was really growing on me.

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