Chapter 7 | Her True Face

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"Wait Im Jugyeong? Is that really you?" Jugyeong froze and slowly looked towards me. Fear was written all over her face, as she started to whine hysterically as she realized the mess that she made.

"Why is there icing all over your face? Wait, more importantly, there was cake in class?" I questioned further. My face turned into one of despair as I realized I had missed my chance for free cake. I scoffed to myself and shook my head. Of course, I would miss free cake.

A sniffle interrupted my thoughts of the delicious dessert. Turning my eyes towards the distraught girl, my mind tried to process the situation to find the problem.

I was aware that her makeup came off, but she didn't look any different. It wasn't that she didn't look the same without any makeup on, but rather, it was the fact that there was white frosting all over her face. A literal caked face. I couldn't help but giggle. She looked like an adorable little child who got birthday cake all over her face.

My warm smile was soon replaced with concern. Jugyeong's face crumpled as a few tears started to fall down her cheeks. Taken aback, I walked over to her and tried to comfort her.

"Stay away from me." Jugyeong whimpered. She shrugged off my hands that were placed on her shoulders. Confused, I patted her back gently to soothe her shaking form. I didn't understand why she was so upset.

"Jugyeong, what's wrong?" I asked rather quietly. I didn't want to make the girl anymore distressed, but the quiet whimpers soon turned to loud sobs.

"Lo-Look at me, Yoona. I'm a liar. I'm not a goddess. I'm ug-ugly. Makeup is the only way I can live normally, it's the only way to hide my true face. I understand if you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore." Tears rolled down my best friend's cheeks as she stuttered to get her words out. My jaw instantly dropped from disbelief. Horrified, I slapped her arm.

"You're not ugly, Jugyeong! What the hell are you thinking? And why would I not want to be your friend over something as insignificant as how you look like?" My voice turned into one of nagging. I felt hurt that she thought that I wouldn't be her friend over something so vain as her looks. Her eyes widened into confusion as I continued my rant.

"Your face doesn't define you, Jugyeong. In fact, I would say you're one of the prettiest people I know. With or without makeup. What matters is what is in here." I pointed at my chest and gestured to hers.

"I chose to be your friend because you are one of the kindest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. I didn't choose to be your friend because of how you looked like." Looking at Jugyeong, I saw that her tears stopped and she had a small smile on her face. Softly smiling back at her, I continued my rant.

"Jugyeong, you're one of my closest friends, and I don't want to hear you degrade yourself like that," sadness took over my face, "You don't have to tell me why this affected you so much, but I need to know, did Lee Suho do this to you?" My fists clenched involuntarily at my side, remembering the boy that stood right outside the door.

"No...," Jugyeong stuttered, "He didn't do anything, Yoona." My eyes narrowed at her stutter. That didn't sound convincing at all.

"Are you sure? Then why is he outside the bathroom door?" I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to make sense of the confusing situation.

"Uhhh...," Jugyeong stammered, clearly at a loss for words.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go figure it out from the boy, himself. Suho better have a good explanation." I huffed and made my way to exit the bathroom.

I'll Be Here, Always | Han Seojunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें