Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know

"GUYSSSS IT'S ENOUGH! WHAT IF SOMEONE HEARS YOU?!" Alicia yelled annoyed at us. She seemed a bit to much serious so we stopped. Until the twins started singing again in whispers finally ending the lyrics when we reached the inside of the school.

That is so bad so bad


I took a seat on an empty table. Looking around the very clean and organized classroom, just like Mcgonagall. A cat was standing on her desk, or well.. she was standing on her desk waiting for all of the students to arrive. It was so cool being an animagus, that's what I always thought growing up with one. And being a cat specially, you could be so sneaky and fast, running away from your problems was easy for sure.

Fred and George finally arrived, along with some other students, including Cedric. It seemed that Fred didn't really like him and I just wandered why. He was so kind and honest.

After fighting George to see who would sit beside me Lee took the opportunity and took the sit for himself. When the boys noticed they frowned and George sat behind me, Fred on his right side.

After a short waiting, the cat turned to professor Mcgonagall and the class began.

"Good afternoon students. Today we will be learning a new spell called the "vanishing spell". Does anyone know the function of it? Yes Miss Everdeen?" She asked as a girl on the other side of the room raised her hand to answer.

"The vanishing spell as the name says, is used to vanish both animate and inanimate objects"

"Very well miss. 5 points to hufflepuff" The professor said. After explaining how it was supposed for it to work she told us to practice it and study through the book as well.

Fred's POV
Mc gonagall sat on her desk writing on some of her parchments as we tried to study the spell. Well I couldn't really stay focused as in the corner of my eye I saw Cedric turning around on his chair now facing Mars. I tried to listen to their conversation but failed as the room was filled with noise from the students and pages being turned. I didn't like him. I thought he was too kind and perfect to all of that to be true.

"You're staring" George nudged me with his elbow.

"I just don't trust him. He's sus"

"Are you jealous Freddie?" He smirked at me.


Mars POV

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed someone in front of me move. I lifted my head up to realise it was Cedric Diggory the boy I had met some days before, when he broke my nose.

"Hey Mars"

"Hey Cedric. You remember me"

"Yeah I broke your nose how could I forget?" he joked "how is it by the way?"

"Still the same just "as good as new"" I imitated what he had said to me that day, he giggled.

"Well do you have already a favor for me?"

"No I don't. Unless you could always admit that I'm a better quidditch player than you" I teased him.

"Yeah go on dreaming girl."

"Then you'll have to wait until I need a favor from you"

"Good luck in sunday by the way"

"Thank you"

"Mr Diggory I suggest you to turn around as the class is here on the front not behind you" Mcgonagall warned him clearing her throat.

"Sorry professor" he turned around again.

When the class ended Fred and Lee walked George and I to our next class.

"So what is it with Diggory? Are you friends now?" George started giving a look at Fred.

"I don't know actually. We've just spoke a few times. Why do you wanna know anyways?" I asked trying to figure him out.

"Just because. I'd like to know if he and you.... you know"

"WHAT?NO. Why?"

"A pretty and popular boy like Diggory and a girl like you..." Fred talked now in a tone I didn't find that friendly.

"A girl like me? What are you insinuating?" I raised my voice a bit not liking where the conversation was heading.

"Merlin we aren't attacking you. Don't take things so personally" He said also raising his voice as we arrived at the door. I didn't respond, just rolled my eyes at him and walked inside, George behind me as the door shut in his face. George sat down next to me.

"What is it with him?"

"I-I don't know" he said knowing very well that I was not convinced.

In two days was the game. Fred and I continued talking like nothing happened, he didn't even bother apologising and I hadn't forgotten that.


"Alright listen everybody, today is the day so I'm gonna need you to give your absolute best if we are going to win this rubbish. And I am not accepting to walk out of there with those stupid birds not being smashed to the ground!" Oliver started his speech in an attempt to motivate us. The team got ready. Dressing the quidditch robes and grabbing our brooms we made our way to the entrance of the pitch.

"Nervous Lupin?"

"Am I that transparent?" I said sarcastically as we waited in front of the wooden door that led to the field.

"Don't worry. All you have to do is throw the quaffle in the the hoop and make us win, or die trying" I looked at him with a bit of fear in my eyes but not letting it show.

"Hey!That's not helping her!" Fred scolled at him.

"Don't worry Mars it's going to be fine" George reassured me placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. The last thing I did after that was share a brief look with Fred and then we were up in the air.

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