Milan didn't say one word he had been quiet all day since he left his house "You good nigga? You been quiet all day" Mir joked with him before he took his seat in front of Kennedy at the table. Milan tried to sit next to Toyomi at the dinner table but she just got up moving to the next seat over he sighed lowly she just kept talking to everybody else at the table like he wasn't even there.

"Ya'll being weird as hell, what's going' on between ya'll" Kennedy pointed at both of them with her fork before looking directly at Toyomi "Between who? There is nothing between me and that man" she scrunched up her face sipping her wine Dominic looked at Milan at the end of the table he said nothing just hung his head eating his food in silence "Wtf is goin' on wit ya'll" Tamir questioned, Toyomi looked at Mir before taking a bite of her food "Oh ya brother didn't tell you Mir?" she raised her brow chewing her food

The table got silent everybody was looking at Milan but, he didn't look up from his plate just kept eating with his eyes looking down. Toyomi shifted in her seat holding her wine glass "Milan is having a baby, let's congratulate him" she sipped her drink everybody at the table was confused "So y'all having a baby? But you drinking" Mia scrunched up her face

"Hell no not me... just him" Toyomi gulped the rest of the wine in her glass before she got up from the table to walk out the room she needed a break. Everybody started questioning Milan at once he couldn't make out what they were all saying it was too much going on. The doorbell rang and seconds later Tamir's mother Silvia, Cash, Paris, and her best friend Lauren appeared in the dining room Milan was happy as hell to see his sister he smiled then frowned when he noticed she brought Lulu and Teyana too. Paris walked over to him smiling

"What's wrong ugly" Paris hugged Milan she knew her brother so she could tell something was eating him up "Nothin', why you bring Lu and Teyana over here stupid" Milan mushed his sister he hated when she brought them around they acted weird as hell around him and Cash

Everyone introduced themselves to each other before sitting down to continue Christmas dinner, The whole table was full of conversation and laughter Milan couldn't concentrate so, he got up from the table to go find Toyomi she never came back to her plate it just sat there with a napkin over it. He just needed to talk to her one on one to figure out where her head was at with their relationship.

He walked into the living room but didn't see her anywhere "Ky where's Toi" Milan asked Kylie she pointed to the guest bedroom he walked down the hallway to the left and turned the door knob Toyomi was on the phone talking, she turned around to see who opened the door it was him standing there she rolled her eyes "Mommy let me call you back when I leave, Love you too" she hung up the phone walking past him to the door

He stopped her "You really can't stand to be in the same room as me Toyomi" he questioned her she said nothing just looked at him "Why you keep running from me, I just wanna talk" he touched her arm she slapped his hand "Don't touch me.. Ever" she said looking him dead in the eyes "Ayo why you actin' crazy? I can't touch you now?" he scrunched up his face getting mad

"I'm actin' Crazy Milan! No nigga you making me crazy" she started punching him Toyomi was hurt she reached her breaking point it's a lot of stuff she could put up with but cheating wasn't one and to add injury to insult the bitch was pregnant which meant he gave Brea raw dick, the same raw dick he gave her, the same raw dick she sucked on a regular he let this hoe get one up on her and she was crushed, she felt like he put her through so much to prove herself to him and here he was giving out free dick to everybody.

Milan was trying his best to block her hits but every single one connected, Dominic just so happened to walk in the guess room looking for her fuzzy slippers she saw Toyomi fucking Milan up. He was just standing there taking the hits cause he knew he was deadass wrong "Relax mamas the kids are right down the hall" Dom grabbed Toi off Milan

"I'm not letting you leave without talkin' to me" he blocked the door standing there licking the blood off his lip, Toyomi busted his bottom lip "Please just talk to him Toi" Dom begged her she agreed so Dominic grabbed her slippers and closed the door behind her so the two of them could talk alone

"Toyomi I promise I didn't get that fuckin' girl pregnant, she's lying" he said to her "Idc anymore Milan you're free to do you" she folded her arms across her chest he sighed putting his head in his hands "Don't do that" he reached for her hand "Do what? We're DONE Milan, you don't love me I'm convinced you never loved me or else you would've kept your dick to yourself" she tilted her head to the side "I do love you T, I'm in love with you let me prove it" he begged "The only way to prove it is for her to not be pregnant I'm not staying with somebody who made a baby on me period" she looked at him with a blank stare

Milan was gonna prove to Toyomi that Brea wasn't pregnant and if she was it wasn't his, he couldn't believe he was really losing Toi she seemed so cold like she didn't even care "Are we done now?" she reached for the door he didn't fuss anymore he just let her go he was gonna show her because he could tell she didn't give a fuck what he was telling her

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