He slumped his shoulders in defeat.

Gimli spoke up. "Then it has all been in vain...the fellowship has failed."

Aragorn straightened. "Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death, not while we have strength left."

Rin felt panic swell in his chest. "Merry and Pippin?"

Boromir looked at him, grief in his eyes. "They were taken by the remaining horde."

He felt his tail escape his shirt and swish around agitatedly as he clenched his fists.

I didn't know there were any left.

Aragorn pulled a hunting knife out of his pack and strapped it to his belt."Leave all that can be spared behind..." Rin saw a steely glint enter the Ranger's eyes. "We travel light. Let's hunt some Orc."

Rin smirked and sheathed the Kurikara sword as Gimli cheered.


Rin ran behind Aragorn, stopping when the Ranger knelt to evaluate the trail. "Their pace has quickened." He looked up. "They must have caught our scent. Hurry!" Aragorn began to run again, but Rin stopped when he heard Legolas call for Gimli. He ran back to the dwarf while the group continued moving. "Do you want to ride Kuro?"

"I am not a pack mule, Rin."

The dwarf narrowed his eyes and denied the offer. Rin shrugged and continued running, his pace evening out so that he was behind Legolas and in front of the Dwarf.


So, ten minutes later, Gimli was seated on Kuro's back. "Dwarves were not made to ride cats!" He bellowed as Kuro pranced along.


They paused as they reached the top of a hill, looking down at the plains below.

"Rohan. Home of the horse-lords. There is something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us." Aragorn spoke, and Boromir nodded his agreement.

Rin squinted at the horizon as Legolas ran forward and gazed off to the distance.

"Legolas, what do your Elf-eyes see?"

Kuro giggled.

Rin ignored the cat.

"The Uruks turn northeast. They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"


"Evil wizard, Rin." The cat demon rolled its eyes in exasperation.

Aragorn looked grim. "Saruman."


"Keep breathing! That's the key! Breath! Ho!" Gimli huffed as they trailed the Orcs, Kuro having gotten tired a few hours ago.

Rin kept running, ignoring the pit of anxiety that had formed in his stomach.


"A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night." Rin felt his anxiety increase at the elf's words.

The smell of smoke reached Rin, although he ignored it when he could not determine its origin.

A rumble of hooves was his first clue to the advancing rider's. They quickly moved to hide behind some boulders as the horses leapt overhead.

Rin bit his lip. Okay, this is actually really cool.

When the horses had finished passing overhead Aragorn called out, "Riders of Rohan, what news from the Mark?"

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