Chapter 3 ♚ Predator

Start from the beginning

Aleksander turned his body to the door which opened, revealing his accomplice. Behind Julie who was strolling in pushing a medicine trolley were two other individuals decked out in attire of long white coats. As (Y/N)'s neck lifted slightly and her (E/C) eyes desperately locked onto the woman as a silent cry for help, the woman's attention was immersed with the meticulous procedure her subordinates were doing; preparing a syringe.

The woman from that day was no more; the woman of today a true epitome of deception. She was outwardly different than the persona she was faking but through the cracks of her manipulation were her true colors.

Julie's heels clacked along the seamless flooring until she came to the side of the table where the girl's head was. The assistant leaned down to grab a thin contraption from underneath the metal table before placing the head piece carefully on the girl's head.

Chocolate brown eyes were dreadfully the opposite of sweet.They were bitter, distant, and aloof.

(Y/N) was begging for some sort of sign; she was frantically peering into the soulless woman's eyes for some type of human decency, if she had any left and if it was enough to let her go.

"Help me," (Y/N) mouthed, eyes afraid, eyes growing watery

For the first time, their pupils connected.

Instead of the hopeful response the girl was expecting, Julie placed a small suction cup on the temples of the girl's forehead which was attached to a wire. She ignored the plead and inquired her boss with a stern "she's ready."

A crack formed in the depths of the girl's heart.

"Six months is what I have left," Aleksander admitted, leaning against the middle of the wall. "A small time frame to decide whether you are capable of harnessing a greater power humanity cannot begin to fathom, or you just become another name on the list of failures before the six months can even start."


The scientist cocked an eyebrow after hearing some mumbling.

"so... when you meant you trained people...." (Y/N) stuttered as if still trying to wrap her head around the concept, "gave them... a fighting chance... you experimented on them?"

"I'm glad your mind is starting to come back to us."

"You tricked me," she emphasized with a terribly blank face.


With a vigorous throaty shout, the vocal cords in her neck strained as she exploded, "YOU LIED TO ME!"

It went quiet, not a single sound other than her words resonating within every individual in the room. A yell full of torment and hurt were emphasized behind every syllable. For the last few minutes (Y/N) remained at a loss for words but her outburst was a result of build up of frustration brewing. She breathed heavily, her chest rising up and down.

Unfazed, the pitiless scientist walked forward to the metal table, body leaning in the child's vision. "You may keep that anger. It may be the very essence of what keeps you alive during the next stages." He held her perturbed gaze with a greater look of superiority. "With the strength we are bestowing upon you, you will become mankind's most finest weapon. You will take on the burden of bringing extinction to the race of titans all in the great service of mankind itself-- that is what your sole purpose is defined as; and in the end, I'll have my dream be realized."

(Y/N) shivered with the quivering thought of her fate being outlined for her.

"Who... are you?"

𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐  (Levi x Reader) [𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 ]Where stories live. Discover now