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Hi! I hoped you enjoyed my fanfiction about TMR. Right now, I'm currently working on one for Scorch Trials, Death Cure, and Fever Code. Here's a little preview into TST fanfic: 

The armed people took us to a brick building. It had colorful curtains- bright reds, yellows, and greens- and round tables. We all took seats on the benches and waited for instructions. The men and women disappeared and returned with platters of pizza. Real, greasy pizza. Everybody had at least 2 slices, accompanied with tin cups of water. 

"There are showers and fresh clothes in there," a woman announced, pointing to a door to the left. 

It felt so good to get clean. The hot water poured down my body and the soap smelled like fresh laundry. I watched the grime and blood swirl down the drain and leaned against the wall. After a few minutes, I dried off with the fluffy towel and changed into the pajamas they provided us with. My set was a pair of gray cotton sweatpants, thick socks, and a t-shirt. Teresa wore something similar- a gray pair of shorts and a baby blue long sleeve. 

Once all of us had showered and dressed, the guards told us we better get sleep and reminded us that we were safe. As a woman led Teresa and I into a different dorm from the boys, I turned around and crossed my arms. 

"Can I say goodnight to my husband?" I asked. 

The woman chuckled and waved me forward. I smiled at her and ran to Newt. He hugged me and pulled me into a long, drawn out kiss. Once I finally pulled away, I pecked his lips and ran back to my dorm. 

The dorm was small, with a window at the end of it and a bathroom. A couple bunk beds lined one wall, equipped with blankets and a pillow. I took one of the top bunks, just above Teresa's bed. I heard the door shut and a lock slide in place, swallowing us in darkness. 

"Goodnight, Terry," I whispered. 

"Goodnight, Eleanor." 

I rolled my eyes at the name and buried myself in blankets. I barely had time to think about Alby or Chuck before the drowsiness won and took my aching body over. 

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