chapter three

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Alby and Minho were pleased at our discovery of the maze and sent us back day after day. I shoved my crush aside and tried to forget about it, but it was hard when Newt looked so perfect all the time. Desperately trying to avoid those thoughts, I focused my mind on something else.

A new Glader would be arriving today, I thought. I wonder what he will be like.

I found out when in the Map Room as Newt and I finished up today's map. When I turned around to go get dinner, I saw the Greenie standing in the doorway. He was slightly taller than Alby, maybe 5 foot 10 inches, with black hair and a permanent scowl.

"I thought there were only boys here. What do weaklings like you do here?" he asked.

Newt and I exchanged a look, as if to ask if he was serious without using words.

"Are you bloody lost mate?" Newt asked. I'd never heard him so angry or serious before, even when I proposed that I go into the maze alone.

The bully let out an ugly bark of a laugh and narrowed his eyes at me. "Nope. So what do you do anyways? Probably just sit around and let the boys do all the work."

I couldn't believe he would say something like that. A Greenie! Newt defended me and explained that we just got back from running a few miles and to let us alone. I smiled at him and watched the retreating figure of the Greenie with a victorious air.

The Greenie, Minho informed us his name was Gally, sat away from everyone at dinner. I was too invested in my bowl of hot soup to notice the dirty looks and glares shot at me from Gally's table. I did notice, however, that Newt stayed closer to me than usual. For instance, his body would be pressed up against mine even though there was plenty of space on the faded picnic bench.

Whenever Gally would get anywhere close to me, Newt would protectively grab my hand. Once, I liked the feel of his touch so much that I didn't let go.

"Bloody hell, Ellie, you're clingy!" he exclaimed, a wide smile gracing his face.

I smiled back. "Only for you, babe, only for you."

Minho made retching noises, interrupting our flirting. We both dissolved into fits of laughter at Minho's obvious discomfort. After all the plates were cleared and darkness had graced our little home, I retired to my sleeping bag. Imagine my surprise when Newt followed and curled up next to me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered. He was laying on his back and pulled me over to him. My head rested against his chest and his arm was slung around my back.

"I get cold and you're warm, so now I'm sleeping with you," he responded.

I silently chuckled and held him closer. The sound of his methodical breathing and steady heartbeat lulled me to sleep in a very short time. At least I had him, I thought before I slipped into a dreamless sleep. At least I have my boy.

"Sleep well?" Minho asked at breakfast, eyeing me suspiciously. I looked down at my plate of bacon and toast and tried to hide my blush. Minho chuckled and turned back to his eggs. Alby sauntered over to our table and cleared his throat.

"I've been thinking long and hard. Ellie, you are going to be Keeper of the Runners. That means you are in charge of training and all that klunk. Minho, I want you to become a Runner," he announced.

My fork clattered to the ground in shock. I was going to be a Keeper? Minho had a look of shock on his face and both of us gaped at Alby.

"Okay," I said finally. "Come on, Minho. I'll grab Newt and we can both explain things to you."

Newt was already waiting in the Map Room when I led Minho inside. He congratulated Minho as I pulled out some maps and showed them off. Newt got Minho set up with trainers and a watch, both of which he was excited about.

"Come on you shanks. We've still got our route to run," I reminded the boys. Newt handed Minho a pack, some weapons, and we were off.

The run was silent, mostly because talking wasted breath and energy. When we decided to take a break for Minho's sake, I almost asked the question I'd been dying to ask. The words were right on the tip of my tongue. Newt, do you have any sort of feelings for me?

I never got to ask because the sound of clicking and whirring cut me off. My head snapped up and looked around to see where the Griever was coming from. Minho started to ask what was wrong, but I reached over and slapped my hand over his mouth.

"We need to get out of here, now," I whispered.

I hopped up and peered around the corner of an alleyway to the left of me. It was where we had to go to get back to the Glade in time. My breath hitched in my throat and my heart sank to my stomach. Fear clutched my whole body as I stared at the Griever approaching us. I didn't even realize I was moving until I had reached the boys.

"It's coming towards us. I'll distract it. You two go," I urged. Newt started to object, but I cut him off. "Go slintheads!"

Newt looked indecisive. I rolled my eyes and hugged him tightly, placing a last minute kiss on his cheek before running into the open where the beast could see me. Grievers were ugly, uglier than Gally even. It's body was a mixture of slimy blubber and metal, with long legs like a mechanical spider and random instruments jutting out of its body. As soon as it saw me, it half-rolled half-sprinted towards me. I forced my feet to move and sprinted away from Newt and Minho.

As expected, the Griever followed me. I had memorized the maze, so finding my way back wasn't very hard. The hardest part was avoiding the huge creature intent on killing me. Finally, the deadly robot caught a break as I twisted my ankle on a loose stone and stumbled. 

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