I open my eyes to the dim sunlight that poured in through the curtains. It takes a few blinks for last night's memories to settle in my head—suddenly I feel chills in my brain. Next, I see the hand wrap around my waist, the same hand I had the shape and feel memorized—I sigh. It wasn't a dream after all. I swear I've never felt this relieved before.

I guess all the missing did take a toll on me after all; why else would I be doubting the reality this much?

I spend a few moments looking at his sleeping face; he looked beautiful as ever. Usually, he has a masculine demeanor with a strange edge of beauty which always left me mesmerized. But also, he had these small moments where he looked like a delicate sculpture; peaceful, solemn, and alluring. I loved this duality. It reminds me that perfection doesn't have a stereotype.

He stirs a bit when I sit up. I pull the covers further up to keep him warm and carefully climb down, making sure to not wake him.

After pulling up some pants and a sweater, I drag myself to my bedroom door and open it with a yawn.

"Why the hell did you lock your bedroom?" Cheng's voice explodes from the living room. My sleepy mind gives me a visual image of a shockwave projecting towards me and washing my tiredness away.

Cheng was on the single-couch in the living room, phone in his hand, trying to maintain his nonchalant expression.

I quickly close my bedroom again. "No reason," I reply. "Want breakfast?" I ask, already aware of the answer I'd get.

"No. I had." He says.

Cheng does this sometimes; crashing to my place early in the morning. He says that he does it to make sure I come to work on time. But I know that he's trying to keep an eye on me, given that today is a Saturday.

How can I put it . . . my behavior had him and Shijie concerned.

I nod and start preparing some bacon for two, sparing anxious glances at my door, hoping that Lan Zhan wouldn't wake up any soon. I wasn't sure how Cheng would take it. Over the years, he hadn't been subtle about the fact that he was pissed at him.

Subconsciously, I start humming a melody I caught on the radio when I drove home yesterday.

"What's with you today?" Cheng asks at once. "You're all . . . flowery."

"Flowery?" I scoff. "What a vocabulary."

He squints at me. "Whatever." He stands up. "I'm using your bathroom."

"Don't." I blurt out before I could stop myself. There's only one bathroom in my apartment and that's in my bedroom.

"I knew it." He marches to my bedroom.

I quickly stop what I'm doing and rush to him, physically stopping him from barging into my room. "What the fuck are you trying to do?" I whisper-yell.

"Get out of the way." He yells trying to tackle me off.

"Don't scream idiot. This is not your fucking business."

"I'll show you how it is my business." He tries to push me but I shove him away, causing him to knock on a vase Shijie gave me last year. It falls off the coffee table with a loud crash.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan's voice comes from my bedroom and Cheng stops dead.

He stares at the closed door, then back at me with wide eyes. I look at him in a silent plea.

Lan Zhan emerges from my room—thankfully dressed—only then did he notice the guest. An awkward silence spreads between us; none of us knew what to say, where to start.

Knowing that it was unavoidable, I decide to let them have some space.

"I'll, uh, get something to clean this up," I mumble, gesturing at the broken glass before leaving.

Lan Zhan

Even after Wei Ying walked away, Jiang Cheng's glare remains on my face. I stay silent, reciprocating it, waiting for him to speak up. If we are to maintain a good relationship hereafter, getting through this hard edge was inevitable.

"You did return after all." He scoffs. "There's only one reason why my fist isn't landing on your face, and that's because I haven't seen my brother like this in years."

I nod. If he wanted to hit me, he had every right to do so.

"If you dare to hurt him again Lan Wangji, I'm not going to forgive you."

"I don't plan to," I reply.

Wei Ying returns with a broom and a damp paper towel. He glances at the two of us and rolls his eyes, but his light sigh of relief doesn't go unnoticed by me.

"If you two get into a fight, I'll knock both of you out and you're not going to like it," he says as he crouches down to clean the shattered glass.

It was true. I have witnessed him in action. I'm certain that I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end. With a chuckle, I bend down to help him clean.

Cheng squints at Wei Ying. "You'll spare him."

Wei Ying looks at me with a tender smile. Even that simple gesture takes my breath away. "I might."

"What did you say that day? 'Is that so', huh?" Cheng scoffs. "Look at you now."

"Shut up," Wei Ying hisses.

Cheng keeps standing, and I look up at him to find him watching the scene unfold with a certain soft expression, which I'm sure he'll never let anyone see.

Noticing me looking at him he flusters. "So . . . are you two a thing?"

"We are." Wei Ying replies with no hesitation, and my second chance is laid in front of me, I'll make up to him at all costs.

" Wei Ying replies with no hesitation, and my second chance is laid in front of me, I'll make up to him at all costs

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Till next time...

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