· Violence is Never the Answer ·

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Mia's POV


"What class you got next?" Alfie asks, shifting his textbooks onto his other arm as he leans against the locker next to mine. 

"Maths," I reply with a sigh.

"Ooo youch," Alfie grins. 

I roll my eyes. Alfie's actually blessed. He's naturally smart and never has to revise for anything. He tells me he studies for fun sometimes...

"What class do you have?" I ask, shutting my locker.

"English," he sighs. 

Ah-ha! The one subject Alfie can't crack is English. He could fully do well if he wanted too, but he never applies himself. He blames it on the teacher. Alfie and Mr Woods don't exactly get along.

"Good luck," I smile, waving as I walk towards my math class. 


I stare at the question on my paper. I read it once, twice and then again. Still, there's no hope of me understanding the question or finding the answer. 

I put my pencil down and sigh, telling myself not to blow up in a massive anger induced attack. Candice and I talked about my anxiety and anger last Thursday at our usual therapy session. We talked through tools I could use, but they're not helpful at all. 

"Your corrected tests will be on my desk. Please collect them at the end of class and get them signed by your parents please"

I almost growl at Mr Winston. I already know I've failed yet he somehow finds a way to rub it in. 


Five minutes before the bell goes, Mr Winston passes by the desks, checking everyone's work. I peek at people's notebooks and roll my eyes when I see pages of work. I look down at my own textbook. The squared page stares back at me. 

Mr Winston walks down my aisle with his grading clipboard and frowns when he comes across my work. Or lack thereof. 

"Mia, is there a reason your page is empty? Did your pencil suddenly grow a pair of legs and run off?"

I roll my eyes at him. 

"It's because I don't understand anything, sir"

"Then you should ask someone," Mr Winston replies cooly. 

I look around the room. I don't have any friends except for Alfie in this damn school.

"Mia, this is unacceptable. I haven't seen any progress in your mathematical abilities since December"

I smile and shake my head as I imagine breaking his stupid little clipboard over my knee. It looks so relieving and it takes everything to not grab the clipboard out of his hands and do it for real. 

"I do not find this a funny matter, Bradley. See me after class please"


The bell goes and I hesitantly trudge over to Mr Winston's desk. He looks smug as I approach with my shitty maths notebook. 

"Mia, I would like you to get your test signed. I'll also be sending your dad an email explaining today's meltdown"

"Nice," I chuckle, grabbing my test out of his hands. "Anything else?"

"Detention on Friday. I don't appreciate the lip"

"I don't appreciate you," I mutter under my breath as I leave the classroom. 

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