I need help!!

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*Baelynn's POV*

"luke I really need to talk and this is serious." I said

"K what is it?" He asks

"I don't know who I love Michael or Calum."

"Bitch first you've had like 3 relationships in the past month. And personally I think you should be with Michael I mean you guys are like the punkyest rockiest couple ever!" Luke exclaimed.

"But I can't break up with Calum we've been dating for like 3 days."

"Then have him break up with you." Luke said slyly.

"Oh! I could make out with Michael!"

"That's a good start. Actually just do that!" Luke said.

"Okay I'll do it later tonight."

"And I can post pictures of you too on twitter." Luke's getting really excited about this.

"Yeah k see ya good luck out there!"

As they went out. Michael was the last one. I kissed him. He went out there so happy it was one of his best performances yet. When the show was over it was about 11pm. Calum went to sleep and so did ashton. So I decided to exicute my plan.

"Hey Mikey I've been thinking. Calum isn't really my type."I paused for effect and to get him thinking about what this all ment."You are."

We both went in and luke took the picture. It was amazing I forgot what a great kisser he was.

" I should have never broken up with you Mikey. I miss you can we please get back together?"

"Of course babe." He said.

We fell asleep

Okay guys I think I'm done adding for today x

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