Chapter 30

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*michaels pov*

We pack up our stuff to go the airport.

"Baelynn?" I yell.

"Yes Mikey!" She yells back.

"Can use some of your suitcase space? I bought too many souvenirs."

"Yeah of course!" She said. She is so generous.

We meet at the airport at 4am. Our flight is at 7.

"Ashton shut the hell up!" Calum yelled.

"I didn't say anything." Ashton replied.

Calum doesn't do good in the morning. Caitlin runs out of a store with bagels for everyone. Mine is an everything bagel with plain cream cheese.

"Guys we should head to our gate." Luke said.

"Okay yeah," Ashton began and turned to Hailey and whispered." I've got a surprise for you."

"Ooo can't wait!" Hailey squeeled.

We walk over and they immediately board us on the plane. We take our sits in first class and I'm already sweating. I can't stand planes.

"Michael you'll be okay. Just breathe." Baelynn soothes me.

"Hailey, I love you. I know I've told you that many times but I do." Ashton teased her because what she didn't know would change their relationship lot.

"I love you too Ashy." She gushed.

Our flight was pretty empty. But as soon as the sign that we could stand up went on, ashton bursted up.

"Hailey I can't promise this to be the best of its kind but I will try. When I first met you, we were at the gym I went with Calum and you went with Baelynn. Neither of you were wearing makeup. I fell in love with you that second our eyes made contact. I tried my hardest to get your number. Luckily you have it to me. We've spent many hours together since then. And I will like to spend the rest of my hours with you. Hailey Brady Halls, will you marry me?"

Hailey hugged ashton trying to fight back tears from rolling down her cheeks.

"Yes Ashton, I will marry you."




So this is the last chapter of this book I'm starting a new book soon.

My Boyfriend, M, And MoreHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin