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sorry for the lack of writing! i had a dance competition and wasn't able to write anything, but, thank you so so much for 210 READS? that's insane, thanks for the support, i love you always.

The next morning I woke up in the best mood. 3 days until Christmas!

I get dressed, and go downstairs. Damon, Elena, and Stefan went home I guess since it's only my parents, and Elijah.

Draco is also sitting down at the table. "Good morning Y/n!" My mom says, "Morning." I reply.

"The hill is all snowy, you should go sledding!" She suggests, I love sledding. "Sounds fun! I'll go after breakfast." "Great, bring Draco of course." I nod, this child won't even touch a sled without calling it "filthy", but I guess he can tag along.

I finish eating and so does Draco, I lead him upstairs to my room. "Uh okay, here's a jacket, snow pants, gloves, a hat, and a scarf. You can change in the bathroom." "Okay." He walked out, I put on a hoodie and sweatpants under all my snow gear. I sat on my bed while waiting for Draco, he was taking forever.

I went into the hallway and knock on the bathroom door, "Hello? You okay in there?" "I don't know how to put this on." I laugh and open the door, his snow pants are all tangled.

"Oh my- how do you even do this?" I laugh, first I untwist his straps and pull them over his shoulders, then I zip up the back of the pants. "There you go." "Thanks."

I realize my hand is still on his shoulder, and I awkwardly remove it, "Let's go.." I take him to the garage and grab two sleds for each of us. We say goodbye and walk towards the hill, it's not too far from my house.

"So um, what is sledding really?" Draco asks, "Well you sit on the sled, and you slide down the hill, it's really fun trust me. You can go on your knees, butt, back, stomach, standing. Whatever you feel like." "Is it scary?" "Draco Malfoy...scared? Wow." "Shove off Mikaelson." We both giggle and arrive at the hill.

Tons of people are sledding as well, people are flying down the hill, kids are tumbling and crying causing me to laugh. "You're an awful person." Draco says, "Like you're much better."

"Let's go, be careful, it might be slippery." I say, then we start up the hill. It's quite icy considering the temperature. I was laughing hysterically almost the whole way up as children slipped and fell.

There was a fence to assist us after we climbed, but it ended as we got closer to the top. I carefully slide up, making sure not to fall.

"AH!" I hear a voice exclaim, soon Draco is in my arms, his sled flying all the way down to the bottom. "Well looks like we have to share."

"Looks like it." I helped him up and held his hand the rest of the way up, not romantically, just so he didn't plunge to his death.

He clung to me until we got to the top, I found an empty part of the hill where nobody else was in the way. "Okay sit behind me." I said as I sat down on the sled. Draco awkwardly sat and wrapped his legs around in front of me. "Child if you don't grab onto me you'll die." He hesitantly grabbed my waist.

"Finally, you ready?" "Y-yeah." He stuttered, which made me laugh. He's scared of a hill and some snow. I launch us off and he immediately clings tighter to my body. We fly down, what I didn't realize was some kids made a jump in the hill, so we flew up and toppled at the bottom. I was now on top of Draco, tangled in him.

"Sorry, I didn't realize that was there." I apologized while getting off and grabbing the sled, "No worries, it seemed to be my favorite part." He smirked, weirdo.

We went down hundreds of times, Draco pretended to "lose his sled" so we'd go together, I wondered why he did that, but it was probably because he was scared or something.

After a couple hours of going up and down the hill, we walked home, I was freezing and shivering like crazy. "Here take my jacket." Draco offered, "No way, you'll get frost bite." "Looks like this will have to work." He spoke as he draped his arm around me. "Thanks."

I've been through so much with this kid, he's kissed me, hated me, saved me, but I know he has a soft spot for me.

hii! i'm going to try and post more consistently, so next chapter will be out tomorrow! my goal is to post a chapter a day, thank you for the support! i love you all :)

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