the bravery of spoken truths

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Cas overhears a conversation where Dean is on the phone, talking about someone he likes, a little sad, Cas goes to Sam to ask if the man he is in love with has fallen for someone else. Turns out a peaceful road trip is better suited for answering all his questions.

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He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but when Cas was on his way past one of the storage rooms in the bunker, looking for Dean he could hear him talking inside the room. Cas knows one shouldn't overhear other's conversations, but something about the way was talking made Cas stop and listen.

"Jody... do you remember that thing I told you about?" A screeching sound came from inside as Dean opened or closed one of the steel cabinets. "Yeah. That."

Only being able to hear one side of the conversation made Cas even more curious.

"I haven't said anything about it to anyone else. Because, you know I'm not good with feelings and all of that, although I'm trying my best to get better. I just... lately all I've wanted to do is tell them and... but whenever I try to tell them I like them, maybe even love them... it just seems like my brain shuts off completely and I never manage to say anything."

Standing in the middle of the dark hallway, Cas's body goes still as he leans against the wall. He can feel his face falling from a bright smiling expression to a sad one.

Dean likes someone? He's... in love with someone?

"I really like this person, and I just... don't know what to do." Again there are screeching noises coming from the room as Dean moves the shelves, most likely is looking for something. "I... I can't tell you, but yes, it's someone you know... that's all I'm going to say, you'll probably figure it out anyway."

If it's someone Jody knows... I probably know them too? I shouldn't be listening to this, it'll only bring me more misery than my feeling already does.

"Ah! Found it!" Cas pushes himself from the wall and hurries further down the hall when he can hear Dean walking towards the door. Rounding a corner just in time as Dean comes out of the storage room, Cas is just able to hear Dean before he hangs up. "I'd love to go for a drive! I could probably be there by tomorrow night. Awesome! I'll be expecting pie though."

Dean heads in the other direction, taking the stairs leading to the garage.

"Yeah. Yeah okay, I'll ask Cas if he wants to join."

Cas finds Sam in the library working on translating some old books. Joining him at the table Cas is feeling restless, Dean's phone call on repeat in his head. Sam looks up at him as he sits down.

"Hey, Cas. You okay?"

"Hm? Yeah. Yeah, sure." Still distracted, Cas picks up a book and pretends to show interest in what story the pages are telling.

"Hey, I was gonna ask you about that one. I can't figure out the language or translation to that book, do you know it?"

"Yes. It's an ancient Nordic language. But these are mostly runes of the Elder Futhark. You're probably looking at the general Younger Futhark translations, but if you look for the Norwegian translations from the 2nd century it'll be easier."

"Wow. Do you... do you know it? The runes?"

"Of course I do."

"So what does that say?"

"These are Period One inscriptions. Mostly just copies of runic stones, telling stories of hunting deer and seals and... Ah, something about a murder, and banishment. Nothing exciting really." Closing the books with a heavy sight, Cas looks around at the other books. "This one is more exciting."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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