I know what you are doing, Sammy.

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Sam is tired of Dean and Cas dancing around each other, tension sparking between the two, so he takes matters into his own hands, hoping they'll figure things out on their own so he doesn't have to snap at them.

words: 4.7k

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«I'm not really hungry, so I think I'm gonna go to bed. But you go get yourself something to eat. I'll text you the room number when I've checked in.» Sam says to his brother and Cas, as he smiles at them over the roof of the impala.

«Okay. Come on Cas, I saw a diner around the corner.» Dean closes the door, turning away from his brother, looking at the former angel.

«You think they have burgers?»

«Definitely. If not we'll find another place.» He smiles at his best friend, taking in his beautiful face as his blue eyes search the town in front of them. He's still staring when Cas turns his head towards him, meeting his eyes. Dean can feel his face turn slightly red as he was caught staring. Again.

«Okay. Good night.» Sam gives Dean a look he's not sure how to intrepid, but before he can think too much of it, his brother has turned towards the motel, walking away from the car.

They had been on the road all day, heading north to help a fellow hunter with a vampire nest. They didn't know how long they would be on the road, maybe a couple of days, but it wasn't like they had anything they had to return to. Well, Sam would probably want to go back to Eileen before too much time passed, but not Dean.

I'm in no hurry, I have everything I need right here with me. My car. My brother. My Ca... best friend.

Dean had loved the angel for so long he couldn't remember when or how it happened. But he'd always loved him from afar. Loved him in silence. And that had always been enough for him. He knew he could never have him, and he had learned to be okay with that. Just the fact that he was allowed to love him at all, keep him close, be his family. It was enough for Dean.

Or at least, it had been.

Over the last years, his feelings had been burning so intensely that sometimes he didn't know if he'd survive the fire. Recently, his feelings for the angel had become so strong that some days were like torture for Dean, and it had become even harder after Cas had lost his grace, becoming human. But, Dean still kept it all to himself.

«Dean?» Sitting in front of him at the diner, Cas looked at him with a questioning look. Dean had been so lost in thought that he hadn't heard him.

«What? Did you say anything?»

«Your phone.»


«Your phone. Someone was calling you. And then you got a text.»

«Shit...» Dean pulled his phone from his jacked, seeing a missed call from his brother. When Dean hadn't picked up, he'd sent him a text instead.

SAM : Room number 203. Could you bring the bag with food and water from the car so we have something for the morning? The grocery store is all the way across town.

«It's just Sam. Nothing important.» He turned off his phone, putting it back in his pocket. Turning back to finish his half-eaten burger.


«Uhm... 203! It's this one.»

Opening the door quietly he stepped into the dimly lit motel room. Sam was asleep on one of the two beds, having left on a small bedside lamp to bathe the room in a faint glow. Dean stopped short as he realized the room didn't have an extra room. Only a small bathroom. No sofa bed either.

a man afraid of flying, and an angel afraid of fallingWhere stories live. Discover now