Met again

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Elena and her friends were hanging out together. They are going to an art gallery to steal some paintings. They finally reached. They entered and try to act normal. They entered one of the rooms. There were tons of paintings there. Oh,,did I forget to tell?  There is a boy called Ron in the Red-feather team who is very fool and dumb. He always acts funny and silly.
Ron ~ These are soooo beautiful, aren’t these?
Elena ~ Oy, are you here to praise the paintings or steal the paintings?
Ron ~ To view the paintings.
They all glared at him and he shuts his mouth. They closed the door of the room and started packing paintings as many as possible. Suddenly, the siren bell rang. They hurrily broke the window and began to run away. Some guards are chasing after them but they are too slow to catch them. They ran far away with the paintings.
Alex came to the office hurrily. He has some important news to give.
Alex ~ Sir! Sir!
His boss was sleeping in his chair. Alex tried to wake him up but he didn't. Alex finally had to slap him lightly.
Boss ~ How dare you---
Alex ~ No time to explain sir! Bose is going to Toronto now! I Just tracked his location!
Boss ~ Eh!? Yes!
Alex ~ Sir It's not a time to enjoy! Sir, take Out your Jeep!
Boss ~ How dare you order me!
Alex ~ Sir I am not ordering, I am suggesting you.
Boss ~ (furious) Who are you to order me!?
Alex got annoyed. He is in a hurry. He wants to catch Bose but his boss is doing drama.
Alex ~ E, Mendo! Take out the Jeep. Your boss isn’t listening.
Boss ~ Wha--
Alex ~ Sir, I think you should just sleep.
Mendo ~ Sir (Alex) our Jeep is broken now.
Alex ~ Shit! Does that mean Bose will scape this time also!?
Mendo ~ Sorry sir.
Owner of the art gallery ~ (Crying) Alas! Alas! Alas!! I am destroyed! My whole Gallery is ruined!! My life is ruined!
Staff ~ Sir, (Comforting) Please don't be sad sir. Boman went to a police station to report.
Next day, Alex came to the Police station. He had his own desk there. He went to his desk. Someone was sitting in the chair. The person got startled that he even fell from chair. Alex was bored.
Alex ~ Who are you?
Boman ~ Woman (His name is Boman but he pronounced it as 'Woman')
Alex ~ (Surprised) Woman? But you look like a man?
Boman ~ I-I have some pronouncing problem. Can't pronounce some letters.
Alex ~ why are you here?
Boman ~ I am here to report. Some criminals stole many paintings from our art gallery.
Alex ~ Hm..Report to another police of here. I am not a police.
Boman ~ You are a famous private investigator. So telling you will also work, right?
Alex ~ Yeah, but I Won't take any case right now. Police will do everything. I am currently working on a project for 7 years which I still haven’t completed.
Boman ~ Oh okay.
Elena ~ Whaat!? They cancelled it!?
Celvin ~ Yes! They refused to aceept dead bodies for some months.
Elena ~ Not a big deal. At least, we have some paintings to sell.
Jack was reading a newspaper and he found something useful.
Jack ~ Guys! We got a job!
Jina ~ What do you mean?
Jack ~ A news of someone dying! We will go to his house and tell his family that he gave some advance for Those paintings and we want the other money!
Elena ~ Brilliant idea!
Jack ~ Hmm! They gave the address. They said they are looking for maid.
Celvin ~ Let's go!
Very soon, they all went to that dead man's house with a painting. They entered the house. The son of that dead man started talking --
Son ~ Yes?
Elena ~ Um..your father went to our gallery to buy a painting. He gave us 5,000$ advance so..if you could give us the rest of the money.
Son ~ But dad Didn't have any hobby of painting?
Celvin ~ Did he have any hobby of dying? But still he died right?
A friend of the son came to him.
Friend ~ Morty, give them the money. At least, uncle's soul will be happy.
Son ~ Ok. How much?
Elena ~ 20,000$
He gave them the money and they left. Suddenly, Elena's phone rang.
Celvin ~ Who is it?
It was Elena's uncle Rustom who grew her up with a lot of torture. Elena got annoyer and furious.
Elena ~ My uncle from hell.
Ketty ~ Will you pick up?
Elena ~ Am I crazy?
Elena dismissed the phone call. But it keeps ringing.
Elena ~ Argh! Excuse me, please.
Her mates left. She went to a side. She picked up and started yelling --
Rustom ~ Elena! Please! Help me Elena! I got into trouble! Please help me!
Elena ~ Heh, you didn’t contact with me for 5 years and now you called Because you are in trouble? Am I an animal?
Rustom ~ Please Elena! I need some money! Please help me!
Elena ~ You didn’t give me money when I needed and now you think I Will give YOU money?
Rustom ~ I know What I did to you was horrible. Please help me!
Elena ~ Why? Ask your 3no. Wife for money?
Rustom ~ She left me! We got divorced a week ago!
Elena ~ Shut up!
Rustom ~ Hey!! Don't hang up!
Elena hung up. Rustom said from the other side of the phone ~
Rustom ~ You selfish! How dare you talk to me like this! I raised you after your parent's death! I!
Elena and Ron were walking together Through the road. Suddenly, they saw a car driving crazily.
Elena ~ Eh!? That car is losing control.
There was low ground on the side of the road.
The car crashed with a tree and fell from the road to the low ground.
Elena ~ Oh no! Let's see what's going on!
Elena and Ron went there where the car was fallen. They didn’t see any driver.
Ron ~ Car without a driver will of course have an accident.
Elena looked around and found a man.
Elena ~ He is there!
They all went there. The perosn was nearly dead but still a bit alive. Elena and Ron didn’t say or do anything. The man said --
Man ~ Have you seen Victoria park?
Elena ~ No but heard of.
Man ~ Below a big 'V' in Victoria park, There are 100,00,00,000$ there.
Elena and Ron ~!!!!!!!!
Elena and Ron exchanged glances. They couldn’t believe What they were hearing!
Ron ~ 100,00,00,000$!?
Man ~ You all take out that money and devide among yourselves. Fulfill your dream.
Elena ~ Why are you telling this to us?
Man ~ Because you look good persons.
Saying that, the man died. It took them long time to finally realize.
Elena ~ WE ARE billionaires!
Right then, a Jeep of polices arrived there and Alex came out.
Alex ~ Side please.
Elena and Ron went to a side. Neither Elena or Alex saw each other. Elena was looking away.
Alex scanned the dead body. He suddenly grabbed Elena by her collar..
Alex ~ What did he--!
Their eyes met for the first time. Alex realized It's the girl he bumped into and Elena realized he is one Who she yelled at.
Elena ~ Ah....
Alex immediately released her and apologised.
Alex ~ Did he tell anything Before dying?
Ron and Elena ~ No.
Alex let Elena and Ron go. Elena and Ron escaped. Mendo walked up to Alex.
Mendo ~ Sir, What will you say to boss now?
Alex ~ I was also thinking about that.
Boss ~ SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!
Alex ~S-sir---
Boss ~ How did this happen? When did this happen!?
Alex ~ Yesterday evening, sir.
Boss ~ You are telling me now!? What were you doing till now?
Alex ~ Tying you on phone sir. You Weren't picking up. I think you had network problem.
Boss ~ not my network, It's your work which has a problem! Bose died! Gone, gone! Information with million values is gone!!
Alex ~ S--
Boss ~ Now you will get your---
Alex ~ My what?
Boss ~ Expulsion letter!

To be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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