New Case , Bis escape

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In previous chapter, you read a flashback about how Elena became a criminal and what happened to Alex at the same time. Now Let's start from the present.
Elena just finished her 205 no. Murder with cool head. Without any hesitation. Red-feather left the place and went back to their abode. No one knows Where they live.. There are total 24 poeple in their group. 18 boys and 6 girls including Elena. They took off our masks and sighs.
Jack ~ Phew! I am tired!
They sat down. They just killed a man to steal his assets. Elena was the one who killed him. She bet the polices has gathered there by now.
Brody ~ Cleo! Give a glass of beer, babe!
Cleo ~ Ok!
Cleo went to get everyone whiskey. She is their bartender. Everyone started chatting.
Elena ~ So..who is today's main topic of chatting?
Sinthiya ~ You!
Elena ~ Me!?
Jack ~ Yeah! You haven’t talked about you for a long time!
Celvin ~ Why don't you tell us your story?
Elena ~ Like what?
Ketty ~ Um..sorry guys. We have some Visitors.
Celvin ~ What do you mean!?
Elena~ You mean there are some polices!?
Ketty ~ Yes. They followed us.
Oh no! Elena is worried. Celvin is there leader. He immediately ordered everyone to pack their things. Also the weapons. Elena wore a mask and secretly went outside at a spot where no one can see her. Many cars were gathering there! She exactly knew what to do. Her other teammates have already packed everything and wore their masks. They all caught up with Elena on the roof. They can see polices screaming and entering inside. Elena was staring at the polices who are still outside of their secret basement. Ketty was scared.
Calvin ~ Don't worry guys. They never could do nothing and never can.
Alex just wore his jacket and went to the cafe to meet up with his friend who is a writer. They all sat on a table.
Alex ~ So? Why did you call me?
Michael ~ A murder!
Alex ~ What!? Again!?
Michael ~ This time, in a building nearby. Someone killed the owner to gain his assets!
Alex ~ Oh no!
Michael ~ You must go now! You are famous as a private investigator so they wants you to solve it!
Alex ~ I will be there in 30 minutes! Give me the address!
Michael gave him the address. Alex immediately hurried to home. Dilara looked surprised.
Dilara ~ Alex? What's wrong?
Alex ~ Another murder mom!
Alex grabbed some necessary things and when he was about to leave the door, his mother stopped him.
Dilara ~ (Cold voice) Wait, Alex.
Alex ~ (Excited) Are you crazy mom?! Someone has been killed and I need --
Dilara ~ Stop it! I told you several times not to do these horrible things!
Alex looked annoyed. Dilara tells Alex to gave up on being investigator often but Alex likes to solve mysteries but his mother Won't listen. Alex pushed his mom aside and left the house. His mom said from behind but he didn’t listen --
Dilara ~ Wow, veey good. Won't ever listen to mom, right? (Sighing)
Dilara went to her and Brandon's room. She wore a pair of earrings and took her coat in her hand and took some file in her another hand. She went downstairs and told Amina --
Dilara ~ Amina, I am going to the Foundation. Dilara left. She went to her Foundation office. She and the other members sat in the meeting room.
Nira ~ Hi, Dilara! What's up?
Dilara ~ Haha, fine. By the way, are we here Again to have a meeting About something?
Gina ~ No. Just for chatting. Why? Are you busy?
Dilara ~ aha,, no. Well...i think I can give some timw here.
Gina ~ Good. Hey Nira, Which colour do you like? I will give you a gift on your anniversary day!
Nira ~ Aha..thank you. I like all colours but if you think, I pick up the yellow colour.
Dilara ~ (Taking a sip of juice) Hm..that colour will fit you, Nira.
Elena noticed a police officer looking at them just now. Before the police can tell Others where they are, Elena took out her gun and aimed at the police. Without waiting, she shooted at the police. The police officer died with a groan.
Elena ~ No more time wasting! Let's GO!
Police started gathering there. Elena and her mates left the place. They kept Jumping over the roof of houses like a ninja. Some police car were following them. A helicopter appeared above their head and some militaries were pointing guns at them. Elena heard one of them saying --
Military ~ You can't escape this time!
Cleo threw an arrow with her bows at the helicopter. They grew our speed.
Jack ~ We can't keep running like this! We need to do something!
Celvin ~ Like always.
Celvin threw a smoke at the police's cars which reduced so much smoke for polices to see them . They took the chance. They splited up everywhere. Elena hid in a dustbin.
Alex went to the hotel with Michael. He entered the owner's room and his jaw dropped.
Alex ~ Oh my....
The owner's wife was crying. He tries to comfort her. After the situation is normal, Alex sat to interrogate the wife.
Alex ~ I want to know some infos before interrogating.
Wife ~ Sure.
Alex ~ What's his name?
Wife ~ Rayleigh.
Alex ~ When was he murdered?
Wife ~ Last midnight.
Alex ~ Hmm...
Michael wrote down everything that the wife told.
Alex ~ What's your name, miss?
Wife ~ Medison.
Alex ~ Hmm...(Scratching his cheek) Who saw first that he is dead?
Wife ~ The maid. He saw first and then he called me.
Michael ~ Call the maid.
Wife ~ Kora!! Come here!
Alex looks exhausted. He solved crimes like this before but he has a weird feeling About this one. He doesn’t know why. The maid called Kora came. He looked scared.
Alex ~ How did you know that Mr Rayleigh was dead?
Kora ~ I accidentally left my glasses in his room and I read newspaper in midnight so I went to his room to bring my glasses. Then I saw him dead.
Alex ~ When did you left your glasses in his room?
Kora ~ Last time I cleaned his room.
Michael wrote everything in the Notebook. Alex asked Medison to give her phone number in order to contact with them. Alex also gave his office's address.
Alex ~ Bye bye. Thank you miss.
Medison ~ Thank you.
Alex and Michael left the hotel. Alex and Michael sat in a nearby restaurant.
Michael ~ So What will you do now, Alex?
Alex ~ I will be busy for some days so...I will interrogate the wife and the maid A-Z.
Michael ~ Hm...Hey waiter!  Come here!
Michael called the nearby waiter and asked him to bring two coffee. They started drinking it quietly after the waiter brought them coffee.
Alex ~ So...
Michael ~ Hm?
Alex ~ When is your parents moving to the UK?
Michael ~ Next week.
Alex ~ Hm...
Michael's phone rang. He excused himself and went to the washroom. Alex looks at his watch. Too late to stay. He wrote a note that he left and putted it on the table. He paid the accountant and left the restaurant. He directly went to home.
Elena peeked through the hole of the dustbin. The polices are gone. She gets up from the dustbin.
Elena ~ They are gone!
Her other mates also came out.
Ketty ~ Guys! We need to think of a place to live now!
Vlad ~ Why are you worrying? We will stay at Ketty's fake boyfriend's house.
Ketty ~ You are right. That idiot, haha...fell in love with ME? He has no idea who I am. Ahaha...Don't worry guys. I will ask him tomorrow. He is very kind. Haha.....
They all laughed. Seriously, boys are so weird.. Thinking Elena.
Elena ~ Where would we stay untill ketty's asks her boyfriend?
Celvin ~ On the trees. We have experience of staying on the trees.
Elena ~ Alright.
There was a park nearby. They all went there. It was dark night. Everyone was sleeping in Their home and drooling hah...There are a lot of trees in the park. They all climbed on separate trees. The tree branches are very strong for a human to sit on. Elena sat on a branch of her tree. She looked around and saw others falling asleep on their trees. No one will notice that a group of criminal were here because they will be already gone before the sunrise. They are always alert.

To be Continued...

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