I: Recruitment

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"Oi Akame! The Zoldycks are here!"

"What?! I thought they won't be here 'til Tuesday?"

"So did I, but we should hurry before the place gets crowded"

Akame and Dennis wore their best clothes and ran to the site where the Zoldycks were. Twice a year, the Zoldycks are going to Meteor City to recruit butlers. They tried to join last time but were rejected because they were weak. So the siblings trained each other vigorously and waited for this time. They always wanted to leave this place and being a Zoldyck butler is the best way to do it, at least that's what they think.

"Is this everyone?" Zeno asked the one who manages the crowd.

"Yes, master."

"Very well, let's begin," Silva spoke to them, "Anyone who can pluck a hair from Tsubone, our butler, will pass."

Murmurs were heard everywhere, they were shocked and happy to know that a simple pluck of hair is the way to get accepted, or so they thought.

Tsubone walked into a clearing and prepared for battle. The applicants did not hesitate to charge at her, but they didn't expect the woman to be fast. Before they could even get close to her, she already knocked all of them out. They tried to attack all at once, but she was too good at avoiding them.

Akame and Dennis observed the situation first. They saw that charging head-on won't do well. Half of the applicants were already knocked out. The other half was on the side, they are either observing too or scared to try.

"Will that be all?" Tsubone asked when she saw that no one is attacking her anymore.

Dennis took a deep breath, "Well, time to give it a shot."

"Do your best, Dennis-nii!" Akame cheered.

Dennis stepped into the zone. He looked at Tsubone intently and walked around her while leaving three afterimages of himself. Silva and Zeno smirked at what they saw, Rhythm Echo.

Tsubone kept an eye on him and stood her guard. One tried to attack her, but she dodged easily. Then all of a sudden, they attacked at once. She dodged and knocked all of them, but it was revealed that all who attacked her are the afterimages, the real Dennis was beside her, already holding a strand of her hair. Tsubone smiled.

"Passed," Silva announced.

Akame cheered when her big brother got accepted. She stepped into the zone and tried as well. They both trained in Rhythm Echo, but she still didn't get a hold of it yet, so using the same trick won't work for her. She did a breathing exercise first, Tsubone smiled lightly at her.

"How old are you dear?" Tsubone asked.

"7 years old ma'am," Akame answered, confused.

"Okay, give me your best,"

Akame charged head-on. Tsubone was disappointed to see that she hasn't thought of this well. She thought that the little girl would have a plan, but she resorted to the most obvious move. Akame ran fast to Tsubone and smiled as she saw that Tsubone fell for her scheme. She jumped as fast as she can and left one afterimage, so Tsubone would focus on it. She saw a stray hair from above and plucked it while the afterimage jump like her.

"Passed," Silva announced, Tsubone was confused and chuckled when she saw Akame smiling beside her with her hair.

"So you know Rhythm Echo too dear?"

"Yes, but I can only create one afterimage"

"That's good. You used that to your advantage. Good job!"

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