XI: He Only Kills Three People

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Akame felt her strength come back after receiving the blood. She slowly removed the needle then bandaged the small wound. She stood up and went out of Jericho's room. She got curious when she saw a crowd outside the headquarters. She walked towards it, then she felt her soul leave her body. Gotoh has just put Jericho's body in a body bag.

"W-what happened? I was just talking to him a while ago!" she asked Amane, who was also there.

"We're not sure. But we think it was master Illumi who killed him."

"Master Illumi? But...why?"

"I don't know. But you know how he is."

"Yes. And he doesn't kill people without a reason."

Amane frowned. "Are we talking about the same 'master Illumi'?"

Akame frowned at her too. She shook her head and sighed. 'That's right, they all think that master Illumi kills for fun. They don't know him. They think he's a psychopath. But the truth is, he only kills three people; his target, anyone who tries to stop him, and anyone who is a threat to the Zoldycks.'

She was confused at what happened. Akame knows that Jericho is not a target, and he must have not got in Illumi's way, and he most certainly was not a threat to the Zoldycks. I mean how could he be? He's just a mere butler, like her. Or was he?

Akame didn't know that Jericho was actually Tremor Akiyama, a skilled spy. He works with the Akin Organization, which planned to eliminate the Zoldycks. He acted as a butler to collect information about the Zoldycks, especially their abilities. He was doing well, but not until Illumi and Milluki did a thorough background check on him.

Akame helped in setting up a grave for him. The butlers dropped mementos that reminded them of Jericho. Then after a while, they all went back to the headquarters. She looked at his grave one last time. 'Say hi to my brother for me.'

She went to her room and finally went to bed. She turned on her Gyo and saw that the cat was no longer on her shoulders. She remembered the cat on Killua's shoulder, it has been a while since she checked on him. She closed her eyes to see Killua's surroundings. She saw that he was in the middle of a field, talking to two kids. He recognized Gon, but the little girl beside Gon was unfamiliar to her.

"Ah! Killua, the cat's eyes opened. Look!" Gon exclaimed.

"Eh? Really? Let me see!"

"Woah, I thought it was just a sleeping cat decor!" the girl giggled.

Killua frowned at what he was seeing. "Hold on...that eyes look familiar."

"AKAME?!!" Killua exclaimed as he recognized her eyes. "What the heck! You were watching me all this time?! I told you to not follow me! But you literally kept an eye on me!!"

"Akame?" Gon and Biscuit tilted their heads in confusion.

"Oi Bisky, do you know how to get this thing off of me?"

Akame got nervous. She reviewed the information about this ability, she saw that it can be removed through exorcism. And she felt hopeless since he can't talk to him. Only her eyes and ears can be used in this ability. So Killua won't hear her even if she talked.

She chuckled as she saw the three kids trying their best to remove the cat nen on his shoulders. They tried attacking it and covering it with a cloth but nothing happened. She just deactivated it and went to sleep.

'I hope you always have a great time, Killua-sama.'

Morning came, and she quickly stood up and prepared for the day. She was tasked to train the butlers today.

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