Fri Feb 19th

6 1 0

☺️ Sooooo yesterday here's what happened:

I did a meditation by myself, taking in some deep breathing and throwing away distractions.

Then I started the Brook method (I didn't use a subliminal but that's ok cause it started raining outside), and BOYYYYYYYYYY I could feel sooooooo many symptoms! I was dizzy and the temperature in my hand changed, my body started twitching and a bit of tingling but yeah. So I really felt I was shifting like really really but then I fell asleep before I could finish the method☹️

But I was reeeeeaaaally close to shifting! Y'know what, I'm gonna try again tonight! Also I need a drink wayyyyy more water oooooooh 🥵 yu. Well byeeeeeeeeeeee!

Ps: it's raining outside now too. It's always raining. I love rain😍

(BTW I have a new Drarry fanfic if you would want to check that out, it would mean sosososo much to me☺️ lol sry bye!)

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