They spent a moment in silence, simply staring at the ceiling. Zuko had one hand behind his head, the other one was laying beside him. Sokka's hands were on his stomach, trying not to take too much space as the bed wasn't so large either. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, not at all. Sokka liked it. He wanted to be in this moment forever, the warmth, the silence, peace. For a moment the whole world stopped and he felt like he was in a dream. Not any dream though, the dream. The one where he kisses Zuko and Zuko kisses back.

The silence broke, "What did you do while we were gone?" Zuko asked.

Well I talked to my ex girlfriend the moon, figured out that I liked you and other than that, I've had dreams where we kiss, "I built a cart and almost died."
Zuko chuckled, "What?"

"I built the fastest race cart ever and named her Cartee. Then me, Haru, Teo and The Duke raced down the tunnel that goes to the Statue Hall except that the breaks didn't work so Katara had to save me from falling off a cliff." Sokka said.

"So I leave for one day and you almost die?" Zuko joked.
Yeah, I almost died from not seeing you, "Yeah yeah. I also did your exercises. You have a lot of creativity when it comes to making up different versions of squats."
Zuko laughed, so fucking cute, "Thank you, it means a lot coming from you."

Sokka's brain shut off for a quick second. Coming from 'him' ? What did that even mean? Maybe he was simply joking, he must've been. Sokka needed to stop over analyzing everything. But still.

He dropped his hand on his side, lightly brushing Zuko's. Their hands were now pressed against each other, back to back. Zuko didn't flinch.

"What did you guys do except for learning that little dance?" Sokka teased.
"Very funny." Zuko answered sarcastically, "We met some dragons."
Sokka sat up, almost automatically, "You guys WHAT?" He said, looking down at Zuko who was still laying down and smiling.

"Yea, we danced for them and they taught us how to firebend. Well, not actually. Just from where firebending comes from."
Sokka laid back down, carefully replacing his hand where it was before, "So does it comes from a volcano?"

"Shut up." Zuko said, bumping his hand against Sokka's, and also leaving it there afterwards. Sokka blushed and tried his best not to scream at the top of his lungs. Or worse, hold Zuko's hand, who's back was pressing on Sokka's hand like, a little too hard. "It actually helped me understand myself. Like a lot." Zuko explained, staring at the ceiling, "I used to fuel my bending on rage when instead the true way is with... love." Oh.

After a moment of silence, Sokka answered, "So now you'll firebend hearts instead of fire?" He joked, and Zuko chuckled.

They went back into silence, both of them starring at the ceiling again. They were so close. Their hands pressed against each other, Zuko's warmth making the whole room feel like it was on fire. Except that it wasn't. And it didn't feel like it was actual fire, more like the kind of fire that warms you up when you're cold. The type of fire they would do when they went to sleep. The kind of fire that was in the center of their house back home. The type of fire that Sokka felt in his dreams. Where it was all pink and pretty. Where he and Zuko were simply there, staring in each other.

He wanted to know Zuko.
"Hey." He said, turning his head to face him.
Zuko turned completely in order to face him, "Hey."

So Sokka did the same. They were so close. Too close . If he somehow tripped Sokka was sure he would end up on Zuko's mouth. He wasn't completely opposed to it however. Zuko's breath was on him too. Could he breathe fire? Because he was sure that he could light up Sokka's shirt in less than a minute if he wanted to.

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