Untitled Part 5

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Its starts where I am walking towards a classroom, next to the classroom I notice that teachers are having a meeting. As I walk into the office they stare at me. I peer around the room, there's a big wooden desk that has various folders and a steaming cup of coffee. sitting right next to the desk against the wall there's a shelf of different types of papers, I walk over to the shelf and grab a couple scrap pieces of paper. As I walk out of the office I grab a stray pencil a few inches from the foot of the desk. I walk down the hall listening to the murmur of students and teachers in their classrooms, it's such a peaceful day.

Little did i know how wrong I was.

i finally got to the classroom of my fav teacher, I kinda actually had a crush on him. He was very kind, and very handsome. I knocked on the door, but no one got up. strange. Just as I was about to open the door I flinched feeling something touch my shoulder. I turn around and see Mr Diemtri smiling down to me.

"Did you need something?"

"No I have a study hall and wanted to ask if I can sit in for the period?" I sheepishly ask rubbing the back of my neck. "I have no problem with that Ms Jankey, just find an empty chair and don't disturb the other students." I nod feverishly and he opens the door and lets me into the room.

He walks towards the big circle table in the middle of the room and sits down in the big comfy chair. I quickly spot a desk near about 3 chairs from the door and sit down. Pulling out my scrap paper and pencil i begin to doodle and draw Mr Diemtri. I'm almost done with the second picture when I hear a loud crashing sound from above the classroom.

"Stay clam students, there's nothing to worry about." a calm voice voice said as the door opened to the principle. the teacher stood up and walked over to the principle with an unreadable expression. I could only make out the words "now?" "what do you mean?" from their hushed conversation. i hear another crashing sound but this time the ceiling is starting to dip. Students cry out in panic and try to run to the door but the principle stood in front of the exit like an unmovable force with a smile on their face.

"Children there's no reason to leave the classroom, we have everything under control. So please take your seats." The principle smiled looking up at the ceiling. What did he mean that we were safe!? The freaking ceiling is about to cave in on us and crush us!! The ceiling let out a loud groan and finally fell down revealing red hissing creatures in the rubble. The students screaming in fear, pushing and shoving against one another trying to get away from the hungry predators.

"What are they?!" a random student screamed out.

"Please let us out, pleaseee" another cried out in fear.

"They are our guest lades and gentlemen. They have treats for all of you, so you don't need to leave" The principles voice didn't sound the same anymore, it sounded deep and feral.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. This isn't looking to good.

The principle lets out a deep growls and everything stops instantly. I think some of the students might have passed out from shock. The red creatures stand up baring their fangs and claws looking around the crowd till their eyes landed on the principle and smirked. The creatures started snickering then scratched some other scales off and extened their arms.

"Sweeeeeet. Gooooood. Tryy sommmee" One growled out in a sinister voice. The principle walked forward shoving a couple students with him and grabbed some of the red scales from a creature.

"Come on children they're scales taste like candy and are delicious" The principle grabs a girl, she tries to resist but he forces a red scale in her mouth. Her eyes lighten up at the taste and chews on the scale enthusiastically. The principle lets go of the girl and grabs a boy doing the same. The classroom is stuck in a thick silence, no one knew what to do. Or what was going to happen. I quietly shove my way to the door locking my eyes on the metal door knob. A high pitch scream makes me halt my stops. I look back to see the girl and the boy writhing on the floor.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I need to get out of here RIGHT NOW.

"Now children, May we continue?" The principle motions to the red creatures and soon enough students are being force fed the red scales. I finally get to the door knob but Mr Diemtry is frozen infront of the door. "Sir" I whisper tugging on his hand.

"Please move, we need to get out of here!" I shouted in a whisper. He blinks, looks down to me with a fearful expression and gives me a slight nod. He took a small step forwards and opens the door enough for me to fit through and closes it swiftly. "Sir! What about you?!" I whisper through the door in a panic.

"I'm the teacher of this room the least I can do is take responsibility and watch over my students." he says with a wavering voice. I look down to my hands to see the two pieces of scrap paper and the pencil.

Throwing the pencil to the side i shove the pieces of paper under the door with teary eyes. "I want you to have these, sir. Thank you for everything, I wont forget your kindness, sir" The paper dissapears under the door and I can hear a couple sniffles from the other side. Mr Diemtry whispers "thank you" as the growls and cries get louder.

"Now go, before it's too late Rįska." he said with a cracking voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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