scene- In the woods

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scene;  the dom finds the sub while playing man hunt with their friends and finds them near a enclosed building in a shed tied up a bleeding out slowly. the sub is almost of strength and passes out after crying more time out for help. The dom takes the sub secretly  into their care and calls a private doctor to check up on the sub. the sub thank the person and tell them their story of abuse and human trafficking but they couldn't bring themselves to tell them about the experiments that took place on them. They break down and they ignore their feelings and force themself to be numb. 'cause they know if they say anything  the organization will find out that they spilled and take them back into custody. the dom tries to make the sub feel at home but the sub doesn't seem tp settle in at all. Trying to make the dom mad/push 'em away they act very bratty.  but all comes to an trusting understanding. the sub finally tells the dom about their past but leaves the crucial answer of who did this to them. A year goes by without any commotions and the sub and dom are out on a picnic where the dom asks the sub to marry them but two mysterious figures come oout of nowhere and abduct them. It's revealed that the kidnappers are the sub's parents who initially pimped out and even sold them into sex slavery.  The dom feeling helpless wonders how could they survive, when the dom notices there's a phone near by. the parents tells the sub that they were actually a lab accident where the wife was accidentally inseminated and because of religion couldn't get rid of the kid. So looking for a profit they pimp out there 5 year old son to older females and males. When the sub hits 17 the parents realize that they couldn't keep making a profit off him after 18 so they sold him to the highest bidder on his 17th birthday. (It's been 2 years since)

dom- Alex (Lexie) Bartok (female)

Sub-  Scott Makenzie

Friend 1- shaun trevor

friend 2 -Tabatha garcia


This situation couldn't get any worse. I can't feel my legs and I'm starting to lose feeling in my hands. I tried to move my head to look up to my bound hands but I was losing my strength fast. I tried shouting for help but no sound came out. No one's going to come to my rescue...
I-it's always like this. People always take advantage of my kindness and I always end up in situations like this. Bruised, used, and abandoned in the middle of nowhere. I let out a tired sigh and try to imagine I'm back home in bed listening to music. If only. Letting my heavy head hang I try to conserve what energy I have left and try to think of a way to get out of here. I'm tied up. I cant feel my hands. My entire body aches from it's own existence. What can I do to get myself out of this, this time? I don't even know where I am and I can't tell what time of day it is either. I feel hot tears stain sear my cheeks in reminder that I'm still alive. What did I ever do to deserve this. Letting my self feel an overwhelming flood of emotions I silently cry out in torment of dying alone tied up in a wooden box. In god know where.


I hid behind a tree listening to the shouts and laughs of my friends in the distance. A group of friends and I were playing man hunt. A game where you hide in the woods and your friends have to find you in the dark. A bush rustled close to me alerting me that someone was close. I crouched down careful not to crunch the autumn leaves. I look for a way to go discreetly and without a second thought I dart into that direction as fast as I could. Not thinking how far into the woods I was or the potential danger of coyotes or any other natural predators that roamed the forest at night.

I keep running till I reach a clearing. I think I lost whoever was following me for sure. Looking up I admire the starry night above me. 'You can't get this kind of view in the city' I think aloud. I look around the clearing inspecting the tree line and there's a.. shed? 

That's not suspicious at all..

I start my way over to the tattered building careful not to step on any branches or trip over my own feet. I'm about 5 feet from the small building when I hear a almost inaudible voice calling out for help. I hurriedly make my way to the wooden door and is met with a pad lock.

"Hello..? Is someone in there" I knock on the rickety door.

I hear quiet whimpering and muffled shuffling accompanied by a cold clank of metal. Without any hesitation I begin to kick the wooden door busting a hole through it with my foot. good thing I wore thick soles. I tear the wood enough to fit through. I took out my phone, turned on my flashlight and was met with the beaten body of a bloody lean built person hanging from their wrists. Their feet not even not touching the floor. They try to lift their head to look at me but fails. "Please. I'm sorry I wont disobey you again. Please just let me leave." A hoarse voice cries out softly in defeat. I'm taken aback by their outburst. What had happened to them? Why are they out here all beaten and tied up in a random shed in the middle of nowhere?

"Don't worry. I'm going to help you." I say mustering up courage and walking over to their limp hanging form. Reaching my hand towards their bound ones I start trying to untie their hands. Soon they fell to the ground with a soft thud. They breath out an almost inaudible thank you and passes out on the cold ground. What am I going to do? I have to get them checked. Will they be in danger if I took them to the ER?

I look to my phone once more and text my friends to tell them I'm safe and am heading home early due to work. Turning on my gps I turn towards the passed out form on the ground and gently try picking them up.

After about 15 minutes of struggling, I finally get them somewhat on their feet, and maneuver them out the door, then 'drag' them through the forest towards my car.

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