His Butler & Maid, Compelling

Start from the beginning

Ciel awoke to find Aurora and Sieglinde giggling quietly by the vanity. Aurora was undoing the little girl's braids to show off now dark curled hair that matched the maid's. Ciel heard soft growl like snores and noticed Sebastian beside him in the bed, the demons arm wrapped over him protectively. Ciel curled back against the demon, closing his eyes to find sleep again, but pondering all the while. He, Sebastian and Aurora would need to have a conversation about their relationship when they returned to London. Sieglinde and Aurora suddenly fell silent. A moment later, both tackled him and Sebastian. Sebastian quickly moved to pin his wife onto the bed and chuckled, "Did you really think you could get the jump on me, darling?" Aurora hummed, "Perhaps." Ciel and Sieglinde turned away, their faces reddening as the couple kissed. Then Sebastian sighed, "Well, wouldn't you look at that? We're late." He got up and moved to change, while Aurora did the same. Sieglinde and Ciel sat on the bed, Sieglinde chattering away to Ciel about her hair, something which the boy cared not much for. Sebastian returned first, fixing his tie in the mirror, while Aurora came a few moments later wearing a pretty dress lent to her by Diedrich for their trip back to England.

She sat at the vanity and Sebastian set to doing her hair, much to Sieglinde and Ciel's shock

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She sat at the vanity and Sebastian set to doing her hair, much to Sieglinde and Ciel's shock. The demon's fingers threaded effortlessly through his mate's light blonde hair as she did a light bit of makeup, humming as she did. Sieglinde soon got up and hobbled over, tugging gently on the butler's tailcoat. He looked down at her in question and slight surprise. Sieglinde's eyes were wide, "Can- can you do my hair too?" Sebastian stared for a moment but smiled, "I don't see why not." Once he'd finished putting Aurora's hair into a loose bun, he sat Sieglinde onto the vanity chair and pulled her own hair up into a bun before setting a wig upon her head and then braiding the hair into two plaits. "What's the wig for?" Sieglinde asked confused, Sebastian smirked, "Lady Sullivan, we cannot have someone recognizing you during our travel to England, can we?" Sieglinde hummed, "I suppose not." Aurora then picked the girl up, "Come, let's get you dressed, Lady Sieglinde." Ciel watched them leave then turned to Sebastian who walked over to him, "Come along, Ciel. We should get you dressed as well."

A few days later, after Wolfram was well enough to travel, the large group was boarding a train to England. Sieglinde was in Aurora's arms and the group had made up a story about being an extended family after the conductor looked at them funny. "My wife and children are travelling with her side of the family to visit her mother in England." Sebastian explained in German, tugging Aurora to his side and then Ciel to his other. The conductor nodded and checked their tickets before leaving them. Bard looked confused, "What'd you say to him, Sebastian?" He asked. The group huddled close, "We are to act like an extended family travelling together to visit my wife's mother in England. Mey-Rin, you and Bard are married- Finny and Snake are your sons, Tanaka is playing my father and Wolfram is my brother." Aurora snorted in laughter, and the group turned to look at her. "Is something funny, Aurora?" Sebastian asked. Aurora snickered, putting a hand to her mouth. "Sorry, love. Just remembering how your brother and Wolfram compare." Sebastian grunted in response and rolled his eyes. Ciel piped up, "Anyways, we should all act natural. Ensure no one suspects us of anything." They all murmured in agreement and took their seats. Aurora leaned her head on Sebastian's shoulder, their hands laced together on his knee, the servants all sat together, sleeping on each other while Tanaka appeared to be reading a newspaper and Wolfram was now sitting beside Sieglinde. Ciel was sitting to Sebastian's right, reading a book. The demon was waiting patiently, looking out the window of the compartment. He was pleased that the Phantomhive staff was in another compartment, only Wolfram and Sieglinde sharing the compartment with him, Aurora, and Ciel. It was a little tight, with both his mate and child on either side of him, but he would manage. Wolfram was watching him like a hawk, the man didn't completely trust or like the butler, while Sieglinde dozed quietly beside him, her head resting on the window with soft little snores escaping her. Had Wolfram and Sieglinde been elsewhere, or asleep, he would have gladly pulled Aurora into his lap, but propriety forbade him from doing that. He focused his attention on his mate's breathing, hearing the soft inhales and exhales she made. His gaze wandered down to her dress,

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