Chapter One

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Eve hopped out of Stiles' jeep, her sneaker clad feet coming in contact with the hard, leafy ground. "We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked stiles as he turned on a flashlight.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" Stiles replied, patting Scott on the shoulder.

"I was trying to get a good nights sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott defended himself.

"Yeah and I was figuring out what to wear tomorrow," Eve added.

"Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort, and having the perfect outfit is so important." Stiles said.

"It is when your sisters with Lydia Martin." Eve responded to his comment.

"No, because I'm playing this year. in fact, I'm making first line." Scott said confidently.

"Hey that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles said sarcasm in his voice.

Scott scoffed, "just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?"

"Huh!" Stiles exclaimed. "I didn't even think about that."

"And, What if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Eve asked.

"Also something I didn't think about" Stiles said as the three teens began to climb up a hill.

"Well this is a well thought out plan," Eve said her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Noticing Scott having trouble, Eve helped him so he learnt against a tree for support. "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight" Scott wheezed, shaking his inhaler and taking puff of it.

The three teens immediately dropped to the ground upon seeing the police men and dogs in the distance through the trees.

An eager look came over Stiles face "come on," he said to Scott and Eve as he stood up and ran in the direction of the officers.

"Stiles!" Scott wheezed, taking a another puff of his inhaler before standing up and running after him.

"Wait up!" Eve shouted running after Stiles and Scott. "wait up stiles!" She continued to shout now running beside Scott.

"Stiles!" Scott shouted his name one more time. Stiles turned his head while he came to a stop looking into the trees trying to see Scott and Eve. When he turned his head back around the loud bark from the police dog startled Stiles causing him to flail to the ground.

"Hold it right there!" the officer holding the dog by the leash ordered Stiles his flashlight shining on Stiles.

Eve and Scott quickly hid behind two trees so the officer wouldn't see them.

"Hang on, hang on," the voice of Noah Stilinski echoed throughout the woods. "This little delinquent belongs to me." He said shining his flashlight in Stiles's face as he approached his son.

"Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles asked his father squinting his eyes and flailing his arms due to the flashlights that were shone in his eyes.

"So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?" Noah asked dismissing Stiles's attempt to try and draw attention off of him being in the woods.

"No, heh." Stiles chuckled nervously knowing he had been caught and continued "not the boring ones."

Noah nodded and asked, "Now, where are your usual partners in crime?"

"Who, Scott, and Eve?" Stiles asked. "Scotts home. He said he wanted to get a good nights sleep for first day back at school tomorrow. And Eve's home picking out an outfit for school tomorrow. It's just me. In the woods. Alone.

Noah then shone his flashlight on the trees going from left to right,"Eve! Scott! You out there?!" He shouted. "Eve! Scott!" he shouted again.

He dropped his flashlight by his side and sighed before looking back at Stiles, "well, young man, i'm gonna walk you back to your car. and you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy."

Once being sure they were gone and out of sight, Scott and Eve started to walk through the preserve to try and find the main road.

Hearing the rustling of leaves, Eve and Scott stopping walking. Eve looked from Scott who took a puff of his inhaler to the trees where the rustling came from.

All of a sudden deer started running towards the pair who quickly fell to the ground, Scott's inhaler falling to the ground a few feet away from them as the deer ran past them.

They both stood up, Scott shining his phone light on the ground as the two began to look for his inhaler. All of a sudden as Scott was shining the light on the leaves, the top half of a girl's body was illuminated by the phone screen.

Both Eve and Scott screamed in terror, Scott falling and rolling down a hill taking Eve with him.

They both stood up using the fallen down tree for support. The sound of growling made both Eve and Scott turn around. They both began to run going separate ways. The creature chased Scott first before going after Eve.

As Eve ran the sound of growling getting closer she turned her head to look behind her, causing her to trip over her own two feet and fall to the ground. The creature then took this as it's chance to sink its teeth into Eve's side making her scream in pain, the faint sound of howling heard in the distance.

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