Chapter 14: Harris' Mood Swing

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“Sweety Cup—” Arche’s hyper voice was cut off.

“Nong, just take your lover already.” Tristan’s voice raised.

Arche must forget that he and Tristan were with them. He shyly nodded. “P'Tristan! Sorry, I forgot you’re here. Hello P'Harris.” He waii at them

Tristan just ignored him and turned to him instead. “Let’s go home, yeah? I think we couldn’t go outside for dinner now. Let’s just pick Mia and I will cook for you.”

He saw how Riley, Arche, and the students looked shocked because of what they heard. But they were more shocked when he...“Shia! I rather die hungry than tasting your awful food!”. . . said that and smacked Tristan, again.

“What? You said you’re hungry. So you must be tired to cook.” Tristan pouted. He set his arms to his shoulder.

“No, thanks.” He snapped and said his goodbye to Riley and Arche. 

He left Tristan there with a sad face. Before he had already left the department, he heard some curious questions. 

“They’re living together?”

“They’re so cute!”

“Does our head hazer really have a boyfriend?”

“What will happen to the Med and Engineer Department now?”

'Oh my!' He smacked his forehead after realizing what he had done. Instead of walking, he ran—fast. He stopped a little and caught his breath when he noticed he was already far from the Engineering department. 

“What has gotten to you, huh?” He winced to himself. He made the situation more complicated and awkward between them.


Tristan just followed his gaze to the pale man who was running away fast. He couldn't be wrong when he really saw how flustered Harris was. He might feel hurt because of Harris’ reaction but he just found it totally cute.

He couldn't help but smile. His dark aura that made his juniors always afraid of him became lighter and happy. He bit his lips after and turned to Arche and Riley who looked really stunned at what they heard and saw.

“You can go now, Nong. Date your boyfriend and let me work on mine. Have a good date!” He said and followed Harris.

He searched for him in their department thinking that Harris might be there. Not seeing him, he drove in his car and searched on the sidewalk. And he was surprised when he saw the pale man walking like a zombie. His bag was almost hanging a little on his shoulder, his hair was messy and he walked side to side.

He bit his bottom lips thinking how cute the man was. He followed him in his car then suddenly screeched as Harris just stopped on the sidewalk and made a bizarre move.

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