Meet the Authors

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Hello! My name is Alyssa Ryan! As I'm sure you have guessed, I am ONE of the authors of Dose

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Hello! My name is Alyssa Ryan! As I'm sure you have guessed, I am ONE of the authors of Dose. I'm 20 years old and currently in my third year of college. My major is Cybersecurity while my minor is Graphic Design.

I would like to start by saying thank you to God. He has given me the passion and ability to write, and for that, I am extremely grateful. I don't know where I would be without this creative outlet.

Secondly, I would like to thank my readers and family for supporting me in this endeavor.

When did you start writing?

I started writing in middle school, 6th grade. I really enjoyed Casandra Clare's shadow hunter series and I created a fanfiction here with my own characters using the shadow world and weapons. From there I wrote Luminescent which was my first original work. After a long six-year hiatus, I started writing Dose and 87 Below and editing/continuing Luminescent all during quarantine (March 2020)

What does writing mean to you?

For me, writing is a way to express myself and capture an audience. I have found that I love to argue. While this can be a toxic trait, I harness it to change minds for the better and use logic rather than emotion. Writing has helped me enhance this and provided an outlet for my opinions and worlds to run free. Its helped me out of a dark place.


Hey! My name is Raelyn, and I'm the other author of Dose (obviously)

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Hey! My name is Raelyn, and I'm the other author of Dose (obviously). I'm 17 years old, and a Junior in high school. College is still a year away, and while I'm excited, I try not to think about it too much. I think I want to go into aerospace engineering because I love mechanics and I'm a total space nerd, but I'm still not sure.

I would also like to thank God for his amazing and steadfast love for me. He's gotten me through really tough places, and I know He'll always be there for me.

I would also like to thank you, our readers! Your support means so much.

When did you start writing?

I've always been an avid reader since before I can even remember. I love forgetting about my own life and instead of living in the fictional worlds depicted in books. I wrote small little stories about dragons and fantasy creatures on notebook paper in elementary school. Early middle school was kind of a gap for my writing flow, but I started again in 8th grade; a friend and I wanted to write an actual book. We actually got pretty far in our original idea, but eventually just... stopped. We started another story (Eternal Rain, if any of you are familiar with my old Wattpad account), but had a lot of fights and stopped being friends before we got to finish it. I finished Eternal Rain on my own at the beginning of quarantine last year, and ever since my writing spark has been rekindled.

What does writing mean to you?

Honestly, I just want to write myself a world and go live in it. When I read, I'm in Hogwarts, or Camp Half-blood, or Narnia, or wherever the hell I want to be. Writing is the same, only I'm in a world of my own creation, and I can control the plot (and which characters die, I'm looking at you, Marissa Meyers. John Green. All the millions of authors that kill off the best characters and make me ugly-cry alone in my room. You know who you are). I once heard that writers love to write because it's a world they can control. Whoever came up with that is a literal genius, because that's exactly how I feel. Writing is everything to me. Aside from Dose, I'm working on a few little projects of my own. Might be a few years, but hopefully one day you'll see my name, my real name, on the cover of a published book.


How did this story start?

Both authors were avid readers and supporters of each other's works, falling in love with their respective dystopian worlds. Together, they started talking about writing a story and the idea for Dose was born. After a major brainstorming session, they have continued to stay in touch and create the story chapter by chapter.

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