Bloody heathens could smell alcohol a mile away.

" what are you doing here?" Severus said softly.

James blinked, not really expecting him to be the first to talk.

He slowly grabbed the edge of the cloak, ripping it off himself and letting it land on the floor.

Severus didn't look up. He just looked....glum.

" dont know. I couldn't sleep." He willed himself to speak or else he may have never been able to say a word.

Severus hummed in response and nodded, looking down at his glass.

" did you have fun on your date?"

The word date slipped out from his mouth like it was something evil.

James gulped and shifted.

" no."

Severus' gaze shot up. He wasn't expecting THAT.

" no?"


James shook his head. He brought his hands up, bringing the long hoodie sleeves just below his knuckles. It was kind of getting cold.

How severus wasnt freezing was beyond him.

" it was really awkward and timid. I was super uncomfortable the whole time and it was nothing like when we would hang out-"

" dont compare me to her please." Severus said with a grimace.

" im not! I just......" he looked down.

" it just didn't feel right."

" then why did you say yes?" Severus finally looked at him.

His gaze was cold, hurt, unwelcoming.

It made james' muscles tense.

" i-i dont know."

" you dont KNOW?" Severus questioned.

James' eyes darted, looking anywhere and everywhere but severus. He bit his bottom lip and shrugged.

" i dont know! I was caught off guard, I didn't want to out our relationship in case you didn't want to-"

" so its on me now?"

" no! I not used to having to reject girls. Especially when im already in a relationship. Usually everyone knows by the end of the first day."

Severus' gaze eased, but didn't soften. It was still hard and he was still glaring at james emotionlessly.

Severus shook his head and stood up.

James came closer and grabbed his arm, severus refusing to look him in the eye.

" please sev, i....i didnt mean it. I really didn't."

" no its fine. If you wanna date other people its fine."

" no thats not it!"

" james.....its ok. So we'll also be dating other people its fine. He never said we had to be exclusive."

Severus shook his arm off and continued walking. James stood there confused.

" wait what? What are you saying?" James looked back.

Severus stopped walking and exhaled. He turned his head but not his body.

" if you're dating other people, so can i right?"

James blanked. What? What?! NO! NO NO NO. That is NOT what he wanted to happen.

" the fuck?" It slipped out before he could control it.

A Dance With My Enemy | JeverusWhere stories live. Discover now