Chapter 14

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Farha's POV
Few weeks later...

I am done with my exams and this holiday is just amazing .And my lil bro is graduating from secondary school tomorrow.We are going to hold a small graduation party after the graduation ceremony.Right now i am in the kitchen trying to bake cupcakes for tomorrow's event.It's 9:00pm.I am to make 100 pieces, we have already ordered a big cake and the so called graduation guy is in the sitting room having fun .Nahh he must help me,I called him and Asad joined too.
"You two don't know anything except to eat?"I said because they are busy licking the mixture of butter and sugar.
"Ai dama then why did you call us?"Asad said and laughed.
"Lazy souls."I said.
We finished baking or let's say I finished baking because I don't even know what they helped me with.I went to my room and had a bath,I put on my pjs and an after dress and went to Daddy's apartment to see him.I met all of them there.
"I can't believe my boy is done with Secondary school."Maami said running her hands through his hair,because his head is on her laps.
"Haba baby Ammar."I said and they all noticed my presence.
"Stoppp!"he glared at me
"You're even talking like a baby."Daddy said.
We kept on teasing him and all he did was cover his face with Maami's scarf.
I went on iMessage and saw a message from Imad.We have been communicating,when I was writing exams he calls everytime to ask how my exams was and I really appreciated that.It always reminds me how Ja'afar did but story for another day.
Imad:How was your day?
Farha:It was fun yours?
Farha:How is Laila?
Yess yesss!He told me about his family and I told him about mine.
Imad:She is good Alhamdulillah.
Imad:So Farha i am thinking about meeting you again.Is that okay?"
Imad:So it's not happening?😆
Farha:No,i didn't say so😂
Imad:Is tomorrow okay with you?Since it's Saturday.
Farha:Mhhmmm...No because my brother is graduating tomorrow and I will be busy.
Imad:Oh oh,please do inform me whenever you are free.
Imad:Thank you!Goodnight❤️
I kept my phone aside and we continued talking about tomorrow's graduation party.Ya Moh and his family are in Lagos and they won't make sad.
"Goodnight,i am very sleepy."I said.
"Goodnight."They said and I went back to my room.
Immediately I entered to my room,Sa'adatu's call came in.
Adnan's family are coming to meet Baba."she screamed.
"For real?For real?"I screamed back.
"Yessss!!"She said.
"When baby girl?"I asked.
"Next week."
"Ya subhanAllah I am so happy for you.Congratssss!!"I screamed.
"Thank youuu."
"My bestfriend is getting married."I kept on singing and dancing around the room.
"What is making you so happy?"Maami asked.I didn't even know when she came into the room.
"Maami, Sa'adatu's boyfriend is bringing his family to see her dad."I screamed.
"MashaAllah,Sa'adatu May Allah put Barakah in it."Maami said after collecting the phone.
"Ameen Ameen,Thank you Maami."
Maami left and we talked for a while before I hung up,she won't be able to come to the graduation party because she has work tomorrow.I switched on the bed lamp and slept off.
"Wake up sleepy head."I heard someone tapping me.
"Urhhhh..."I groaned.
"It's 8:00am already and you are still sleeping."
I opened my eyes and I found myself on the prayer mat.I slept off after praying subh.It was Maami that was waking me up all this while.
"Good Morning Maami."I said in a sleepy voice.
"Morning,get ready.Ammar has left already."Maami said and left the room.
Ammar suppose to be there by 8:00am.Urghhh my back is paining me Man!!!
I got up and had a quick bath omg!I did what I had to do and brought out my peach gown and a matching veil.I put on my wedge shoes and dropped my phone,AirPods and whatnot in my hand bag.I applied light makeup,put on my black shades and walked out of the room.I my self know i look peng.Wahala for who no peng o.
"Ahhh...Kill them all."Sa'adatu said.I am FaceTiming Sa'adatu showing her my dressing and makeup.
"Burst my head baby."I said.
"Ahhh..."She screamed.
"Okay baby Maami must be waiting for me.Byeeeee."I said and hung up.
"Maami,You look good."I said hugging her.
"Thank you pretty.You look beautiful."She said and pinched my cheeks.
"Let's go then."She said and we strolled to the car.

I wanted this chapter to be long but someone forced me to update😏You know yourself

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