Shopping For Love

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Jazmyne POV.

Ok. I know that I need to keep my distance from Santo. I just dont wanna go in so deep and then get hurt like before. He seems like a good guy but there's something about him that he's not telling me.

We had been in the store for about and hour and we were in Journeys. Ray and Kay left us to go to Foot Locker.

"You like these?" he said as he turned to me, showing me some shoes.

"Yeah. They're nice. I personally wouldnt wear them but they would look good on you."

"You think I should get them?"

"If you want them that bad. How much are they?" I said as I took the shoe, looking at the price.


"These cost a lot. I wouldnt buy them."

"How much were the last pair of shoes you bought?"

"75 dollars even." I said with a smile. "You?"

"100. Even."

"You spend more than me" I said in a sing song tune.

He laughed and then put the shoes back. He grabbed my hand and we both walked out and went into the food court. He got two frozen yogurts from Fro-Yo and we went to sit down. Once we sat there, he just stared at me.

"What?" I said and giggled.


Chresanto POV.

It's something about her. Just ask.

"Tell me about you. Past boyfriends. Or just your past in general."

She sighed and then looked down.

"My last boyfriend did me totally wrong. Everyone in school knew we dated and people kinda looked at us as role models. Then one day, hell broke loose. I noticed there was some new girl walking around school and she kept looking at me. Then when we were in the cafeteria, she went on stage and said she was pregnant. By my boyfriend. People made fun of me and treated me bad because they thought it was funny that he cheated on me and got another girl pregnant and I had no clue. It got so bad, and now I'm here. I couldnt take it.". As she said this, I could see her getting teary eyed.

"DId you love him?"

"Honestly. No. It was more of a 'he's hot thing'. I never got a chance to fall in love with him. But I want to experience falling in love someday."

"Try it. With me." I said, smiling.

"Tell me about you."

"Well, I had a girlfriend a couple years ago and she just wanted money. Typical gold digger. I actually did love her and what she did to me, really hurt me. You know Diggy? Well she cheated on me with him. Me and Diggy had been friends since I could talk. And now we're so distant."

"Well she sure did miss out." she said while smiling.

I grabbed her hand and she started blushing. I knew there was something about her. I wanted to know, I needed to know. And now I do.

I wonder how it's gonna feel, dating the rich girl?

Back at Santo's house.

Ray POV.

Kay and Jazmyne were playing pool. Kay had on a pair of Jazmyne's cheer shorts and a sports bra. Damn. she knows how to make me want her.

Jazmyne had on cheer shorts too but she had on a full tank top. Out of no where, Jazmyne ran upstairs and came back down with sweat pants on.

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