Where is he

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I woke up that night in a white room. I instantly sat up, causing the heart monitor next to me to go haywire, beeping like crazy, the constant rhythm it was keeping interrupted by my panicked state. Nurses came rushing in, alarmed by the commotion i had caused.

"Where is he?" I ask, coming out as more of a demand than a question.

"Sir we need to check your vitals to make sure-"

"Where the the fuck is he?!" I shouted, cutting the nurse off mid-sentence and causing her to flinch.
"H-he's a few rooms down to the left, but I really think that-"

"Out of my way extra." I say, pushing the nurse to the side to try and make my way down to Deku. I was stopped by an IV tube, connected into my forearm and tugging me backwards. I scowled and dragged myself off the bed, taking the bag of fluids hung onto a metal poll with wheels along with me. I used the metal rod as a crutch while I hobbled down the hallway, in search of Deku. I probably looked pathetic, I was dressed in a hospital gown, and I could barely stand, much less walk normally. I made it to a room that had the name Midoryia taped on the name tag space and I walked in. I saw Ms. Midoriya there, huddled into a small blanket on an arm chair. She was sleeping. I make my over to the bed, peering down at the sleeping boy. His hair was an unruly mess, and he looked thinner than usual, but he was alive. That much was proven as I could hear the heart monitor keep the steady beat of his heart echoing throughout the sickening room. He looked so peaceful, not a fragment of pain or discomfort on his face. I moved a stray peace of hair from his eyes and sighed. He was ok. The doctors abruptly walked in, waking Deku's mother, and causing me to abruptly take my hand away.

"Mr. Bakugou?" The doctor asked, trying to piece together why in the world I would be here, trailing an IV bag along with me no less.

"He wouldn't let me check his vitals he only wanted to see Mr. Midoriya sir." The nurse earlier said. I scowl and whisper *snitch* under my breath.

"As to be expected, he was the one who fell with Mr. Midoriya after all." The doctor said, waving the nurse away.

"Bakugou? You're awake?" Inko asked from the corner, surprised to see me.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be? I'm not weak like this shitty nerd here." I say grumbling. She shakes her head quietly, eyes brimmed with tears.

"I'm so glad you're ok." She says, immediately running toward me, pulling me into a warm embrace. I grunt a little on the impact, still weak from prior events.

"We should call your mom immediately, she's been worried sick." Ms. Midoriya says, pulling out her phone and typing rapidly. The wheels in my head begin to turn.

"How long have I been out?" The doctor clears his throat and I turn to face him.

"About two weeks sir." He says, glancing down at his clipboard and adjusting his glasses.

"Holy shit two whole weeks?" I run the hand that isn't keeping me stable through my hair, glancing at Deku.

"And he's not awake yet?" I ask, my hand still in my disheveled hair.
"I'm afraid not, he took most of the impact from the fall, and your added weight didn't help. Although you did slow the fall down quite a bit, saving his life." The doctor repeats, and a sniffle from Inko is heard.

"Thank you for saving my son." Inko manages to say through a tissue. My stomach instantly dropped. How was I going to respond to that? Save him? I was the one that caused all of this in the first place. I nodded my head solemnly, deciding that looking at my shoes and lying was much better than looking at her eyes and lying. Suddenly my mother bursts through the door, eyes full of water, and she comes flying at me, engulfing me in a bone-crushing hug.

How to Save a Life •.*BakuDeku*.•Where stories live. Discover now