Clearsight x Darkstalker (Love)

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Suggested by yeet_feet173
Beach Cave

Heavy air weighed Darkstalker down like a thick blanket of moss. He couldn't wait to show Clearsight what he'd just made. It was probably a decent time to show her since the task crossed paths with their meetup they'd planned for weeks. It was a win-win situation he supposed. Even the waterfall of stars tossed at the sky was a blur. Darkstalker didn't want to focus on meaningless things such as that, only allowing his brain to zone in on the possible futures that sprawled out ahead of him, ignoring the ones that were only ghosts. Although he didn't dive down rabbit holes with every vision he had like Clearsight, he could still differentiate between them all. That's why he was so incredibly desperate to fly through the moon-kissed sky and towards their meetup place. In the majority of the futures he saw, Clearsight loved what he had created. The other minority left Darkstalker heartbroken and ashamed. But still, everything that had happened so far in the present had happened in the positive future. A smile spread across his dark snout, thoughts of his true love darting through his soft mind.

Clearsight sighed, pacing back and forth in a series of taps and clicks. She knew Darkstalker wouldn't abandon her on an occasion like this and so, had hope remaining but even taking that into account, stacks upon stacks of ravaged and harsh futures lay ahead like a trail of corpses. In some of these futures, the other charming black Nightwing arrived perfectly safe to show her an item. In others, her friend never showed his face, his bleeding body hidden away in a ditch. This reoccurrence of the thought sent a shiver down her perfectly curved spine. Feeling a presence coming closer she plopped down onto the cold cave floor, ears twitching as the sound of wingbeats gradually came closer until they were right upon her, almost as if the sky were swallowing her whole. The familiar grin put her at ease and she smiled, her brow still tense and aching as more futures flooded in. At least he'd arrived safely and all of the menacing futures could be put to rest appropriately. Clearsight shifted over, making room beside her so that Darkstalker may sit close to her. He did so as such, hiding something behind his shimmering body. As usual, the musty, dry scent of scrolls filled her nose, reminiscent of what the male dragon had been up to lately. It hasn't been disclosed to her directly but she had a strong feeling about what it was, courtesy of her throbbing headache.

Anticipation was soon overcome by glee when Darkstalker revealed what he was keeping away. The small weight was cold in his palm and as smooth as a beach washed by the ocean. Clearsight's eyes lit up, seeing the odd item. Some small images were etched into the pale stone, iridescent in the moonlight.
"Do you like it?" He asked in a warm voice, an odd air of childish to his tone as if a dragonet were showing their parents an oddity they had found.
"It's beautiful! But, what is it exactly?" Darkstalker's heart panged. He had expected her to know what the jewellery did but then again, she was only a dragon. A special dragon.
"I enchanted it with my scroll! It took some time since I was very careful to make sure it didn't do anything wrong," he smiled but Clearsight didn't appear to reciprocate his feelings.
"We still don't know if that scroll works though!" Her warm talons wrapped around his polished wrist, ebbing him to listen. Her eyes shone through his soul, casting light upon his insides.
"I know that but... can't you trust me Clearsight? Can't you trust our love?" Darkstalker slipped from her gentle grip, nudging his beautiful lover towards the small body of water absent of life.

Clearsight's scales soon adjusted to the cold stone beside the lake. Darkstalker thankfully, didn't want her to lay inside the frigid water, stale from the lack of interaction. The warmth of Darkstalker's scales pressed against her underbelly. Even the usual haze of visions had fled from her body, easing her numb mind. All she could focus on was the dragon above her.
"Before we do this, just to be safe; are you ok with it?" the male dragon's voice was hushed, his eyes filled with kindness. Ignoring the usual sense of danger emitting from the future, she nodded. Darkstalker smiled. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. His member gently prodded her underbelly, wanting to slip in. Clearsight closed her eyes to be absorbed with the peaceful bliss mating often brung.

A tiny moan came from Darkstalker's lover as his cock slotted inside of her. It was perfect. This further proved they were made for each other. Being as gentle as he could, the male dragon began thrusting in and out of his lover's slit. Her moans were quiet but gradually grew stronger. Searching through her thoughts, Darkstalker could only find happiness, the dark cobwebs no longer present. Strong arms locked around his neck and he felt his snout press against another. Clearsight felt as soft as sheep pelts. Allowing his partner to slip her tongue in first, Darkstalker took over almost immediately, letting his muscular tongue slide around her cavern of a mouth. If her mouth were to be a cave, it would be one filled with glowing moonstones. Their tails soon entwined, mimicking what was happening upstairs.

Clearsight's sounds were muffled by the wet kiss they were sharing, the thuds of her body rocking against the smooth floor drowned out by Darkstalker's. She had no idea he'd be so amazing at this. Separating from their kiss, a thick strand of saliva joined them, shifting shape to allow Clearsight to throw her head back, the sensation becoming too much for her. Her tail clenched, and as Darkstalker let out a particularly loud moan, she let go of everything, allowing her fluids to pour from her now red hole. Having synced with her over the short time, Darkstalker's cock twitched, alerting them both of the tidal waves of seed about to spring from him. Ignoring its warning, Darkstalker put in his last effort, ramming into the tender G-spot deep within Clearsight's folds. She moaned in unison with her lover before they both convulsed and let loose the white liquid. It poured from her slit like a river and caked the floor around them in a sticky but beautiful mosaic of various shades of white.

Darkstalker pulled out, his exhaustion overrun with happiness. They'd finally done it. A small peck of love planted itself on his neck and he glanced over with heavy eyes. Clearsight met him with her own, four beautiful moons staring back at each other. He smiled before allowing her to curl up in the crook of his wing. He was glad her stress was gone.
"Have you figured out about the thing yet?" He panted, still exasperated from his pounding.
"Not a clue," she laughed, her honey-sweet voice weaving into his head. Darkstalker chuckled with her, watching the light dance across the water.

1200 words. Sorry for being gone for so long! The dumb medication I was on for my OCD kind of ruined my mood XD.

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