We all nodded. "Would you say that the FSA is more elite than the CIA?" I asked, hoping I wasn't treading in confidential waters.

Trixie frowned. "I would say it is like a backup version, if the CIA was compromised. We also track down organizations that manage to evade the CIA; it's easier for us, because we have the advantage of surprise, because after all, we are a secret government division."

"Makes sense."

Erica hadn't said anything the entire meal, silently observing our conversation. "Do you ever feel angry that we didn't tell you, that you only found out because of a slip up?" she asked quietly, mouth barely moving.

Trixie turned to look at her, eyes soft. "I do feel sad sometimes, but I know that you and mom and dad and grandpa would tell me if you could. I know you were just keeping me safe. Besides, if I wasn't an FSA agent, the days on this cruise ship probably would have turned out differently."

Erica's head suddenly snapped up. "Oh my gosh, I forget to tell you! Mom works for the MI6!"

Trixie nodded, filing away the information, like that was a perfectly normal thing to find out. I suppose it was, if you were a Hale.

A voice in another room yelled to us, it's voice muffled: "Meeting in the lounge at 1:45!"

"Okay!" we all shouted back. My internal senses told me it was 1:35, so I had just enough time to finish eating.

After finishing our food, we headed towards the lounge where the Cyrus, Elizabeth, Alexander, Eric, and all the Mogilevskys except Mr. Mogilevsky sat (it was his shift).

"Take a seat, young agents," Cyrus said.

"You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master," Mike whispered out of the corner of his mouth, lip twitching. I had to bite my lip to stop laughing. (*laughs in star wars*)

"Tomorrow we are sailing into port. The day after that, your mission officially begins," said Cyrus, glaring at us for making noise. "As you know, the CIA funds have been stolen by SKITTLES. Experts are working on the problem, but for know, this mission will be low budget. Extremely low budget." he looked at Alexander, who was smoothing out his rumpled tuxedo. "That means no money will be spent on onesies," Cyrus emphasized.

"They're not onesies Dad, they're fashion-" Alexander protested, but he was abruptly cut off by Cyrus's glare.

"Now, rather than just taking down the leader and another popping up again, we want you to get information that will cripple the entire organization," Elizabeth stipulated. "Even if you find out who the leader is, don't confront her. When you get back from school, tell us of course, but don't confront her. And remember, the leader is..." Elizabeth prompted.

"A girl of middle school age who is Adan's girlfriend," everyone deadpanned.

"This means she would say that she is either single or has a boyfriend outside of school," Bianca supplied.

"Yeah, but she could also have a fake boyfriend, to deflect suspicion," Mike said. I frowned, but said nothing.

"Also, since you are going up against SKITTLES, you probably should know why we were here in the first place," Mrs. Mogilevsky proclaimed. "We were actually following SKITTLE's trail as well, and we knew that the organization consisted largely of kids, so we were suspicious of you and let you tutor Bianca and Nico so we could gain information. It was a good thing that Trixie was with you, or otherwise we would have written you off as the enemy."

Everyone nodded.

"Also, the names we gave you weren't our actual names," Nico said innocently. Everyone looked at him. "They were our aliases, we'll be using them at school too. But, I figured, if we would be working together, it would be better for you to know our real names," he elaborated. Nico looked questioningly at his mother, and she nodded. "I'm Colin."

"I'm known as Josephine," proclaimed not-Bianca.

"I'm Natalie, and my husband's name is Ethan," Mrs. Mogilevsky said.

"It's his shift to do the captain's job right now, right?" Mike queried.

"Yes, you are correct."

"What is the name of the captain anyways?" I questioned.

Mrs. Mogilevsky pursed her lips. "We tried matching his face, but there wasn't a match in the system."

"Fingerprints?" asked Erica.

"None. We simply cannot find his identity."

"Speaking of identities, you need to learn your covers," Cyrus said. "Josephine and Collin will use the names Nico and Bianca Williamson; two siblings, children of a millionaire, who want to give a whirl at public school. Grade six," he announced. The people in question nodded.

"Mike Daniels and Natasha Davenport," Cyrus announced, looking at Trixie and Mike. "Best friends, partners in crime. Grade seven." (I didn't realize it was the same as Tasha Davenport from Lab Rats until editing. Oops.)

Cyrus turned his attention to Erica and me. "Samantha Francis and Ben Kiely; acquaintances from your old neighborhood. Grade eight. Erica looks a bit old for a thirteen-year-old, but with a bit of makeup..." Cyrus's voice faded away as I was dancing through the clouds. I would be spending the mission with Erica. This finally could be it! Over the past missions, Erica revealed that she wasn't the cold Ice Queen that Zoe believed her to be. When facing the CROATAN, she had almost kissed me a second time.

"... and remember, trust no one. Chop chop, off to work!" Cyrus commanded, and we all grudgingly left our seats, some quicker than others.

1512 words.

Hiya guavas! 

Yall know how the next book in the series is Spy School at Sea? Well they go on a cruise ship too, and I didn't even plan it! 

Okay, I probably confused you. Ignore that.


(Okay, I'm exhausted and hyper.)

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