Chapter 4

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Alfred was still in shock when he walked through the school doors the next day. He had laid in his bed for hours, just touching his lips in awe that he had them kissed. And by Ivan, of all people. He felt like the thought should have revolted him, but the fireworks going on in his chest and stomach told him otherwise. He'd never been more happy.

Ivan, of all people. He felt like the thought should have revolted him, but the fireworks going on in his chest and stomach told him otherwise. He'd never been more happy. Now, it still ran through the front of his mind, causing him to be even more distracted than usual. All he wanted to do was crawl back to Ivan's car and kiss him all over again.

Instead, he was sitting in his desk, listening to Mr. Matheson drone about how they had to watch "Julius Caesar". How about you play the movie instead of talking? That may get us somewhere, Alfred thought. Honestly, he wasn't bothered too much about not watching "Julius Caesar", or listening to the teacher go on and on about the themes of the movie. He just wanted one thing--for time to hurry the fuck up so he could make it to his free period.

After seeing Caesar get betrayed by the Senate, and him getting stabbed with horrid acting, Alfred nearly cried tears of joy when the bell rang. He gathered his things, shooting a quick goodbye to Mr. Matheson as he left.

As Alfred put the things he didn't need in his locker, and the things he did need in his bag, a shadow came over him. Turning around, grinning, he looked up at Ivan.

"Hey," he said, letting his happiness shine though his genuine smile. He was surprised to see Ivan's face cast down, not even looking at Alfred. "What's wrong?" Ivan didn't reply. He was shaking. "Ivan," Alfred pressed, getting up, "What is wrong?"

Ivan rushed out, "My grandparents are coming over tonight." Panic was laced through his voice, making him sound like a scared child.

"I'm confused," he replied. "I thought your grandparents were chill. That they accepted you."

"They do," Ivan said. "But, that was always when I was single. I don't think they'll act the same now that..." Ivan's voice faded out, and Alfred understood why. They technically weren't together, but Alfred wasn't the kind of guy to just kiss someone with no interest in moving forward with them. He had the feeling that Ivan was the same. They didn't say they were together, and they were both too nervous to now.

"They... they don't know, though. No one does."'

"But you came over. Think about it, Alfred. I had a guy over and we spent hours in my room. My family is not going to think we did nothing." He paused, tapping one toe against the ground. "They're just waiting for me to say we're serious, then they'll be all over it. And I don't doubt that they'll end up bringing it up in front of my дедушка и бабушка."

"You don't know how they'll react." Alfred understood this feeling. It would be like coming out all over again, and if Ivan's grandparents really were that set in their ways, there's no question as to why he'd be scared. "So what are you saying? Why are you telling me this?" A thought dawned on Alfred, and he silently prayed he was wrong. "Are you... suggesting we don't..." How to put it... "Move forward?"

"No!" Ivan practically yelled. Relief flooded through Alfred's entire body. "No, o-of course not. I just..." Alfred witnessed all the fight go out of Ivan at once as he said, "I'm scared. I don't want to be around that."

That gave Alfred an idea, a crazy, possibly stupid idea that may bite him in the ass later. "Why don't you come to my place?"

Ivan's head snapped up like a whip. "What?" he asked, flabbergasted.

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