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Ariana's POV:
Pushing the dresser to the correct spot in my room before stepping back. I groan in disgust. Once again it was off to me. Why must I be cursed with being OCD.

"Ya know. I think it looks fine." My best friend Harlee states. "We finally got out the dorms and you are being particular about your room."

Rolling my eyes, "What if a guy comes back home with me for the night?"

Harlee grins, "I doubt the guy you bring is going to be worried about the placement of your room."

We both laugh in unison. "Also Peter invited us to a party tonight. So I was confirming that we would go."

"I don't know." I shrug, "I kind of want to stay in tonight."

"Come on. You know Peter has hot friends." She teases.

"What if I don't want to be a hoe tonight." I raise my eye brows. "Maybe I want a night to stay in and watch scary movies. Plus every time we go." I shoot my eyes at her, "You leave me to spend time with Peter."

"Navaeh is going to be there as well." Harlee adds in hopes to make me go. That meant getting ready and putting makeup on. I wasn't up to all that. Nor did I want to be out in the rain tonight.

"But it's going to rain." I groan. "Which means a perfect night to watch scary movies."

Harlee gives me a glare, "Bitch. Come on, we should celebrate being out of the dorms this year."

Taking a deep sigh. I finally gave it. Not actually thinking it through, "Okay. Well let me go ahead and get ready."

Cursing myself for agreeing after I have been busy with my room all day. But maybe she was right. I needed a little break from this. Get drunk and have fun tonight. I deserved that at the least.

Who is Harlee? Well she is my best friend, side piece, would go lesbian for her. Kidding, but we have been mistaken for dating before. That's a whole different story. I met her the 1st day of my freshman year in college and we have been inseparable ever since. We did almost anything together. Which was nice because I lost most of my friends where I decided to go out of state for college. I wanted to be as far away from my parents as possible. Not that they weren't good to me. I just wanted to be free.

Going into my bathroom. I hop into the shower. Turning the water warm. I liked my water hot. I want to be a little lobster boiling.
After deciding on what I wanted to wear for a good thirty minutes. I applied my makeup and put on my Dr. Martens. I always tried to look as classy yet with a dash of hoe. I look at my outfit in the mirror. Smiling at my creation, I had a tube top and some high waisted jeans

"Okay bad bitch." Harlee said hyping me up. We began to pre game while we waited on our uber.

We took a few shots of Vodka and Tequila. Jamming to the shuffled playlist on Harlee's phone. As our Uber finally arrived. I already had a little buzz. My vision was a slight blur. Harlee and I giggled walking the stairs of our apartment complex to the Uber.

"Aye." She said opening the door the Uber. "Hurry up Ari."

I follow behind before getting in behind her, closing the door behind me. Harlee and I were being overly goofy in the back seat. I was ready to dance. Alcohol just did something to me. I couldn't describe it. As the Uber finally pulled up. My eyes widen because this was not the normal college parties we were used to, it was way more people than normal.

"Maybe another college and ours came together." Harlee says. I got out. And she followed behind.

We began walking up into the yard. I saw many guys already eyeing us. I just smile and continue inside so Harlee can find Peter. Hips Don't Lie by Shakira began playing loud through the house. I thought there a bunch of people outside but inside was even crazier. I held tight onto Harlee hand. And we went out back to see even more people chilling around the pool and hot tub.

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