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Fuck Kaiden. I could find something to do tonight. I didn't need Harlee to have fun. I pulled out my phone to text a girl that I was in class with last year. I needed to let out my fun being school started back in another week. I had to enjoy myself fully. Her name was Layah. She was a little bit of druggy, but I knew she would help me out to have some fun. Picking up my phone I dialed her number. It rang a few times.

"Hey girlie. Long time no see." She says on the other line.

"I need help to let loose tonight." I giggle. "I'm desperate."

She was silent. "Well there is a house party tonight at a Frat house."

"I'll meet you at your dorm." I say quickly before hanging up. I hurry to get dressed before Kaiden or any of his minions tried to come in and change my mind. My outfit was simple. A crop top and a pair of high waisted jeans. I walk out the room. I notice Jason sitting at the dining room table taking back a corona.

"Jason." I trail off, scaring him. He jumps and glances at me. "Hey." He says quickly. "I shouldn't be talking to you. Kaiden would-"

"I don't care about him." I say in a harsh tone. "I hope you don't either."

"Unlike you. I work for him. I have to obey what he says." He says taking a swig of the corona. "And you should too. I think he likes you."

I roll my eyes. If Kaiden liked me so much. He should try a little harder to impress me. Not send me confused signals. And he said he didn't do a relationship....for now. Prick. "Doubt it. He told me he can't do a relationship right now."

Jason glares at me. "Thats probably because of his ex girlfriend. She's psycho. And Kaiden still hooks up with her. But you didn't hear that for me."

I nod. "Well between you and I. I am going out. So if Kaiden asks. Tell them I am hanging out with Navaeh." I smile.

He looks down, "I didn't see anything. But be careful."

Going out the door. I see my car and quickly unlock the door before sliding in. I turn the key and about that time. I see the front door open. And Kaiden was emerging through the door. I put the car in reverse but swinging the steering wheel. Bye asshole.


Arriving to the University dorms and remembering that Harlee and I were in here last year. I wish she wasn't so mad at me right now. I did this to help me. Yeah I felt bad for ditching her and using Kaiden, but he offered. I pull up in a parking spot. Getting out, I head up. I see people already gathering around the dorm room. The thing about Layah, she knew everybody. I swear. She probably knew Kaiden to be honest. I notice an extremely good looking gentleman staring at me completely ignoring the conversation he was just in.

"Layah." I say pushing through the small crowd outside her dorm door.

"Hey baby." She smile and pulling me in for a hug. "I missed you."

"I've been busy moving." I shrug with a giggle. "You ready to go?" I continue looking back at the guy at the door. He was looking at me as well before glancing back to the guy in front of him.

"Who's that?" I whisper to Layah. Who glances at the gentleman who now looks back up at me. "Oh that's Donnell." She laughs, "You got a little crush huh."

I nudge her with my elbow. "Shut up."

"I mean shoot your shot. Clearly seems to dig you." She smiles grabbing her purse. I follow behind her. I was not the one to start conversation with a man. And plus I already had Kaiden confusion and whatever the fuck could happen between Jason. Donnell had a plastic cup of I assume alcohol. I stay close with Layah. The crowd followed behind Layah. We walked to the elevator. We pile in and Donnell ends up being right next to me. He keeps his silence, he must be shy. Layah pushed both us, "Donnell, this is Ariana." She elbows me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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