Conversation Abyss-DISCLAIMER

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okay so i doubt anyone will read this, but this is my third book?? and im still getting used to writing so this isn't going to be the best book plot and grammar wise. but i will go over and edit before publishing and after just to make sure.
- i don't think i have to say this, but please do not steal or copy anything from me, these are my thoughts and im putting it out in the open to make others(poc/black woman)happy. of course none of this shit is real, it is all fake and all for the plot and character development.
-do not leave hateful comments. im always open for feedback but don't be rude about it. if you are rude, i will block,delete, and report the comment and you all together.
-im also always open for requests if you want help in deciding which way the plot of the story could go. so do not be afraid to text or comment ideas.
- last but not least, remember to enjoy the book. im going to do my best to make it as pristine and put together as possible😭but beware i have a job, im in ROTC, i play soccer and volleyball, so i'll try to update and stay on schedule as much as possible. the chapters will also get longer as the story goes on
?( also the main character is BLACK, i shouldn't have to say that, but in case you didn't read the tags here we are)

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